
For at home workouts-kettle bells are fun. I also used to do a few Jillian Michaels DVDs. My favorite was Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. It kicked my ass but it’s one of the best workouts I’ve ever done.

Any sexual health stuff is something I think we need more of. I was also a big fan of kitchen chemistry and explanations on how medicines work.

I want to do something similar! Only I still want to do my job just in another city. I think I don’t think I can handle my current city for that much longer...but I wish I could take my job with me. :(

I got mine done yesterday! It’s funny because bright pink is no where near my usual style.

I actually got into an argument with a friend about this last week. I feel like if he has a lot of feelings about what Democrats are doing...he should join the party and make sure they happen.

Yep! I’ve been making my way through the stuff that’s available on Amazon but I can get the recent stuff on their app.

You know, I was going to wait until Game of Thrones came back to get an HBO Now account. But, I think John Oliver might convince me to get it sooner.

This sounds great, but unless my network agrees to this, I probably won’t be able to go! I’ll keep supporting in other ways though.

Yeah, I remember the days of class time dedicated to going to libraries and learning how to find books. I’m not surprised that those sorts of lessons were axed a while ago. Like the AJisaokay said, cover your ass and use your discretion. Also, don’t forget about donors choose-might be a great way to build up a

I just started working as a librarian at a public school

she now believes that charter schools don’t work unless they’re more tightly regulated.

Some background: My K-12 education was in public schools and my education career has been in charters only. This woman scares the hell out of me. It’s really scary that we’re alright with playing so fast and loose with our kids’ education.

Oh, I like that site, there’s a lot of options! Thanks!

Yooooooo....there’s so much on Costco’s website! Thank you!

My issue is that I never actually learned how to stick to a regular fitness routine. Growing up it was sports and in college it was 30 minutes in between classes. But making time for it as an adult and making it a regular thing has been hard. Hopefully the classes and pool will make it easier.

I like what I see on I buy a couch it’s going with me wherever I move onto next and these look reliable.

I’m hoping to find a good class I’m willing to go to once a week and then do two days on my own in the gym portion. Also, there’s the pool and I haven’t swam in forever. I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll stay disciplined enough to use it.

Yo Jezzie’s! I’m drinking red wine and eating leftover pizza. Also I’m finally canceling my Planet Fitness subscription and joining my local YMCA tomorrow. Hopefully spending the extra $46 a month and access to classes will motivate me to work out a little more in 2017.

I tell him it’s not ok to hit a child and he goed and tells me to not tell him how to raise his kid and that I’m out of line. What the fuck? As her aunt, it is my business

I remember thinking how clean that station was! I wonder if it’s still looking as pristine. Also that NYCC was my first con, so I have some nostalgic feelings about the whole weekend.