
In her defense, it was my gynecologist who, not my primary care who said it. She blamed stress because I was clenching up a lot during my pelvic exam.

I understand. I’ve had it in the past, but it’s lasted for maybe a day and then I don’t feel it again for a while. It’s turning into a daily thing now so I’m looking to address it.

What skin type is it for?

Crap, that sounds familiar. I’ll look into it.

That’s actually a good idea. I’ve done food diaries in the past but tracking how I feel after I eat is a good idea.

That’s where I grew up, so now I’m even more jealous.

Isn’t IBS something that people are born with though?

Great! I’m Clinique fan. I usually flip flop between them and Body Shop because my skin get too used to what I use.

Nice! I’m getting one!

Anyone have any ideas on how to handle stomach pain? I’ve dealt with it on and off for the last few years but over the last few months it’s been a daily thing. One of my doctors said it’s stress and recommended yoga or acupuncture (which I’ve started). Does anyone have any recommendations for handling it day to day.

Good I miss living in a place where water activities on the weekend were an option. I think having a body of water nearby that’s used for boating and such will be a requirement for the next place I live.

Can I get a picture of the pin? I’m planning on decorating my desk at work with some Hufflepuff gear and I need inspiration. I decided on the Hufflepuff theme after my team decided to name itself the honey badger clan.


Any rec’s for exfoliating? Do you use a special product for it?

I’m dealing with this too! I can’t help it, but when I feel something on my skin like a zit or scab it just agitates the crap out of me and I have this whole get it off! episode. I’m working on it as well.

Part of me is excited, but after the season 5 finale (I’m watching on Netflix) I’m a little hesitant. I kind of want to slap some sense into Rory.

I’m surprised you think of her as a child actress. Her last kid-ish role was small soldiers I believe. Have you seen anything after that?

Scottish person! Do you know a lot about Edinburgh? I’m considering going there in February for my vacation.

I know. Since I caught the morning show today, there was a full YMCA summer camp’s worth of kids in the theater and they loved it.

Nope. If you’re going to write down real street names for a fake subway station, make sure the street names are in that neighborhood. It’s not that difficult.