
YES! I kind of want to see the out takes now. That and they put the dance sequence in the credits. I want to see the whole thing.

I saw it this morning! The bad NYC geography irked me, but my biggest issue was I felt that they asked the four women to hold back. Definitely worth seeing if you’re a Fieg fan.

Same for me-it was any sort of abuse/harm that was coming to the child needed to be reported. I wasn’t sure if the rule applied to private schools because I know in some states private school teachers don’t even need a license to teach.

Ohh, that make sense then. I thought it was just any sort of harm in general, especially since this is a high school so it’s full of minors.

I just said the same thing. I know for public and charters that you have to take mandatory child abuse courses and what not, but sometimes private schools aren’t held to all the same standards.

Most people who work in public/charter schools are mandatory reporters, at least in my experience. So if they hear of any abuse it’s supposed to be reported immediately. I know this is a private school, but it still seems highly suspect that a minor reported an incident and it wasn’t reported to the police

But this is fantastic gossip for the rest of us! Here’s to hoping the boyfriend after Tom (he doesn’t strike me as the type to talk about relationships much) won’t sign one either.

That means you never had to hear that damn In Harmony song. Lucky you.

It reminds me of the 2016 Winter Olympics when Ashley Wagner was selected after a rough time at Nationals due to her performances internationally. Sometimes you want that veteran talent as insurance.

I forgot about iZombie! I’m so used to having to wait until the fall to get their shows in full.

We’re getting cable this summer for the Olympics, so I’m happy to add this to my CW rotation along with Jane the Virgin, the 100, Supergirl, and the Flash. I don’t know when the CW took over my life.

Doesn’t Jez’s sister site Muse do TV recaps? Also, you could consider starting a TV discussion thread here. And I believe there are still some TV discussions going on in io9's observation deck (I stumble across the link every now and then).

I was there for a blink and you miss it trip for a wedding. The bride and groom were both from Oregon and are huge fans of their home state. It’s super green and the beaches are beautiful. I didn’t get to spend much time in Portland itself, but I enjoyed the parts of Salem that I saw.

Can I also say how happy I am that you’re actually having training? So many schools/districts didn’t bother and left the teachers in a lurch. Good luck!

It really took me by surprise but I love it.

Winin’ and watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Rachel Bloom is officially my spirit animal. It reminds me of Glee in the early stages.

I like Mindy Kaling’s second book more than her first. I hope she keeps writing.

New York and Company and Ann Taylor Loft. I used them mostly for my teacher’s discount, but New York and Company has a lot of stuff that’s lasted me years for really good prices.

Note: I missed the factual book line in your post and went on and wrote this long one. I definitely missed the mark but if he’s into reading this might help.