Thanks! This will be my first international trip that I’m planning. I know there are cheaper piecemail ways to do it, but I want something a little more solid.
Thanks! This will be my first international trip that I’m planning. I know there are cheaper piecemail ways to do it, but I want something a little more solid.
Also, did you book your flight and hotel together?
I don’t know yet! I’m still in the early planning stages. Right now I’m planning to fly into Berlin. I’m hoping to have everything mapped out by June.
Yo Jezzies! I’ve decided on a locale for my first international trip: Germany! I’m going over winter break (a perk of working in education: built in vacations). Any recommendations about places to visit and stay are welcome.
A lot of people want prestige in schools-they just only want it for THEIR kids and not the kids who attend schools in the neighborhood next door.
I feel the same. I think they need to make sure tenure is actually earned and not bought through dues or just being in the classroom (the state I taught in granted tenure after you taught in public school for 3 years-no other qualifications needed). That being said, I think teachers need unions-too many people don’t…
Hmmmm....ABC’s GCB was criminally short. Is this a good replacement?
That’s what has been worrying me about his campaign lately. He’s joining the party to run for president and his supporters are wreaking havoc and doing a lot of damage. It’s hard to imagine what kind of support he’ll find across the country if he gets the nomination...
Wouldn’t saying they “hooked up” in the movie be putting it nice. IIRC she didn’t have a lot of power in that scene, especially when he grabbed her by the hair...
You’re missing out. It’s actually pretty good-at least 13 year old me thought so.
I was confused by sneaky as well. This was pretty big news when it happened. In addition to the emails I remember reading a few different articles about it.
I have a good friend who I know would love it, but for similar reasons as you, I know she won’t go anywhere near it.
This reminded of the rebel/slave shirts Meryl Streep and co. were wearing to promote their movie a few months(?) ago. Did I think it was overtly racist? No. Did I think they should have gotten a few more eyes on it before using that particular one? Probably.
I doubt they’ll move, but on the PR side, they could refuse to support any new initiatives or programs the state wants them to sponsor. And they could stop donating to certain politicians campaigns-particularly any of the ones who voted yes on the bill.
Looks like they have a few choices. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for this. It’s overwhelming to pick which country. I might make it my first stop!
I’m just about to replace my trusted Vera tote after 4 years of use. The straps have worn through but other than that it’s still in good shape-it’s just time though. I love those bags! They’re the perfect size.
Real talk: how did she keep all the caps?
I want to go to Europe so bad, I just need to buy a ticket! And I don’t know where I’d want to go first (maybe Spain or Germany).