
Get a heating pad on that shit. No need to suffer.

I got really worried that no one was understanding the reference.

She needs to take lessons from Stevie J and Jocelyn on L&HH Atlanta: treat everyone like shit EXCEPT the boss and get rewarded-with your own show.

If she wants that solo show (the one I think she was angling for and it backfired-my own theory though) then she needs to make sure she’s a lot more likeable.

SAME. She used to be my favorite but the whole going after Ariana/Tom AND lying for Jax made no sense to me.

My school does this. Every adult bathroom has a little care basket (the school office manager makes it point to keep them stocked) with a bunch of personal care items that you (male or female) might need in a pinch.

Playing April Fool’s jokes this early is just vile.

He’s probably really well off financially if he spent wisely and invested. Dude’s been working since the early 80s, so it’s possible.

But seasons 3 and 4 at least had some...I’m not sure if the right is intrigue or magnetism (something along those lines). Season 5 felt like a race to make things as awful as possible for characters. I feel like a really talented showrunner can have that level of misery and still make it entertaining, but Benioff and

I’m giving them a pass on last season because every show is going to have one season that’s it’s weak link. Season 5 was definitely it for GOT. I’m willing to give 6 a chance though.

True, true.

Yep, honestly, it was probably pure ignorance on their part. It’s like how I watch a movie or show and can immediately tell no women were involved in making, I could tell no (or at least very few) LGBT+ people gave any input. Even I got a sense of deja vu seeing it because it was almost exactly like when Tara died on

Ding ding ding. I live with a roommate now, but I could have afforded to live by myself if I was willing to keep up the 2-3 hour round trip commute on the train.

There is absolutely no reason why it had to happen immediately after they have sex on screen for the first time.

I’m hoping she’s our next big it girl and books great project after project. We haven’t had a black one since Halle Berry!

I’m still trying to understand her treatment of Ariana this season. It seemed so far out of left field.

Employee discount on spa services? I’m jealous.

Another scarf. This one is a brioche pattern in malabrigo chunky yarn. I had to order more yarn for it, so it was on hiatus for a while.

I keep starting to type out something and then my nerves get the better on me. Which is strange, because typing in a comments section of an article is no big deal. But when it’s a dating site I start to feel anxious. :-(

Spending the night alternating between knitting, Corona, and OKCupid. Let’s see if I’ll actually work up the nerve to talk to someone.