I was looking really hard for a sarcasm tag in the post you responded too and I’m a little upset I couldn’t find it.
I SAW IT! Dark humor at it’s finest!
There are 3 and they are definitely worth a listen if you already enjoyed the rest of the album.
I’m one of the lucky bastards who bought the album from Target, so I got the deluxe CD. I don’t spend money on much entertainment beyond Netflix these days, but when someone waits four years to crank out an album I like to really show my appreciation through my dollars.
That’s what came to mind when I read this. I highly a doubt a public school in Wisconsin would have the extra funds to fight off this bullshit. Damn shame.
Part of the reason this movie struck a chord with me is because I saw it for the first time right after Natasha Richardson died. So Liam Neeson’s storyline was a little rough for me.
History doesn’t exist to make us feel good, or to provide us with icons we can venerate.
You’re not a weirdo. They sell them in Barnes and Noble, meaning a lot of people do the same.
Ha! My older brothers gladly drove me to pick up those albums. One the oldest brother’s college roommates described him as a closet NSYNC fan.
Depends on how you look at it-the Twilight movies made a lot of the money, so that proves she can handle a big franchise.
That frustrated me at the beginning too, but they earned a few points back by making the supporting characters and the random characters really diverse. This is the first show I’d seen in while where you look at a crowd scene that isn’t extra extra white.
No shame. Target also had the deluxe edition so you made the right call.
The second movie is worth a watch and was better than the book in my opinion, but that’s because it was just a damn good movie.
I’m also surprised this woman enrolled her kids in musical theater and was surprised that there were gay people around. Is she new?
I read the books too, but I haven’t seen either of the Mockingjays, just the first two movies. Is Part 1 worth it?
In the beginning, the comments are what kept me coming back and this is one out of 2 sites where I’m an active commenter. But the bullshit some people through is just...eh.
The comments have also gotten worse-but I’ve noticed that’s what happens when places get so popular.
I saw the first two in theaters, but was pretty meh about the last two. But Mockingjay is my least favorite book.