I’m watching as we speak. I love it! So happy with Netflix and Marvel.
I’m watching as we speak. I love it! So happy with Netflix and Marvel.
Remembering through high school/naive goggles, but an issue they took was Tiffany spoke her mind on how she felt about how the judges treated her a lot-but she didn’t do it in the lovey-dovey TV friendly way the other girls usually do (a breakdown in the house followed by a heart to heart). I’d have to look at it…
Or that it’s not a big deal. I was reading that article about the California woman who had 19 police called on her because a neighbor thought she’d broken into her own apartment and a lot of people didn’t see why it was an issue. Their general logic was it was a mistake and nothing bad happened, so she should just get…
I’m the exact same way. I love my eReader-but it’s only for romances or library books. Everything else is in physical form. And I still use a CD player alarm clock, so physical CDs are a must for me.
That seems like her MO. She took a similar route to JK Rowling when the Twilight movies were made by taking a step back and letting the studio handle most of it.
1% of me is wondering why all these black people (yeah I said it) are searching out a sweet potato pie that probably taste like they ones they eat every Thanksgiving, Christmas and oddball weekend throughout the year. The other 99% of screams at that 1% to shut it’s whore mouth and is super happy that Patti made all…
Not a couple of years, last year. And no one had a problem with it. The amount of hate Jenner and the magazine have received (especially when Jenner is on of dozens of women of the year) is fucking ridiculous.
There’s still a new episode tomorrow night, it’s just not the one about the bombings. No waiting necessary.
Look at that color work! I’ve been knitting 5 years and still can’t manage it. That’s going to turn out great.
Mulled or spiced wine.
I try to knit 1-2 a year and just keep them all stock piled so I can grab and go during the winter.
I went through the grind of doing apps all summer. I was really interested in a lot and qualified for many, but only heard from one. They wanted me in a different role that I didn’t want to do, so I told them no, but to keep me in mind. They did! They offered me another that wasn’t right for me, but still kept me in…
Oh la la I’m early. I got some wardrobe upgrades for my new job. Loft and NY & Co. had pretty awesome sales, if those are up your alley. I start the new gig on Tuesday and I need you guys to pray for me: I have a 3 hour round trip commute. Looks like a lot of reading is going to get done on the train.
And it’s her one of her biggest roles in a movie that did a lot for young girls. I approve.
Every time I hear that someone dislikes instagram, I just know they aren’t using it how God intended: to map out your favorite restaurants and bakeries.
Holy wow! 8 years? Are these types of sexual assault sentences common in the UK? Not that it’s a bad thing, its just that across the pond we’re lucky if these bastards get a year, and that’s if they’ve gone to trial.
They actually have cops there to arrest people who blow through the tolls? When I went through EZ Pass by mistake, it took a picture of my plates and sent me a ticket in the mail. That seems like waste of manpower to have them there. Or is it that big of an issue in Houston?
I just bought her book, it’s the first memoir I’m excited to read since I read Bossypants.
That’s why I’m surprised at everyone telling people to get over it. Do they even live in this country? The lack of awareness from some folks is pretty shocking.