Another reminder to be a proud black woman. Go on girl.
Another reminder to be a proud black woman. Go on girl.
Well, it’s the Ferguson effect making all this happen. Police would be able to do their jobs correctly if we’d stop trying to hold them accountable for everything they do. We wouldn’t have this issue if we laid (is this the right one?) off the scrutiny of their actions. /s
Maybe she can join up with Melissa McCarthy’s line?
Are there 11,341 left to test or 1,341 left? Title and text don’t match. Sorry to be that person.
This right here. Back in the day relatives lived close enough to help or were able to come and help out. That’s not an option for people now and it leaves a huge gap in childcare options. Add to the fact that many of us are waiting longer to have kids means our parents are getting older.
Co-signed, I don’t have kids, but I can see how my mom was able to still have a career and have 3 kids over the course of 9 years: Grandmas. Her mother moved in with her and my dad right after each of use was born and she helped take care of my mom as soon as she got out of the hospital and stayed until my parents…
Is it bad that I’m just happy the police bothered to investigate at all? That’s how little hope I usually have in these situations.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I just Google’d her and I want to be her when I grow up.
The more diverse your organization, your board, or, in this case, cabinet,” she said, “the more it reflects the realities of the population we are serving, and that can only be a good thing.
That’s a lot more common than you’d think. I feel like that’s the case at almost every retail store or restaurant.
I still don’t understand why we only have one day of voting period. Polls should be open for 3 days (and yes, that means removing them from schools) from 6 AM to 10 PM. I’ve always thought squeezing it into one day with regular business hours is just another way to keep people from voting.
Same for my parents-but they worked for a huge company in separate departments, so there was very little overlap of their duties and they only saw each other during the day because they wanted to.
He’s going to fuck the people of KY hard
That’s the smart way to go, to be honest. Trying to shut this down would be a PR disaster. I know a few years ago they had a lot of people in their corner when the CEO or whoever made those comments, but if they tried that now it would be a huge misstep.
I totally get the bouncers’ reactions-we live in lawsuit happy culture. I don’t understand the manager running his mouth to someone who was just attacked-that’s all sorts of stupid.
After re-reading this I’m starting to think it’s the manager’s comments that lead to the social media campaign. I get that this wasn’t his responsibility, but good lord every now and then its best to keep your comments to yourself.
It’s not just this franchise though. NYC was able to keep a leash on some of it but Atlanta, Jersey, and Beverly Hills literally felt painful to watch.
I’m losing my love for all of them because they got a little too real, as in marriages and families being ripped apart. I know that those things do happen in real life, but it’s really uncomfortable watching it happen on reality TV knowing that the show I’m watching may have had a hand in the stars’ personal traumas.
On the flip side...guess who fully insured and employed got her implant for free? This girl right. Shocked the hell out of me, because I was ready to drop the $300-$400 it would have cost me. But my state, NY, decided to offer it for free-because, as the person recommended, they did the math and decided it was better…
I was worried this day would come for her. She’s had a lot to say about diversity in the fashion industry and I was praying she wouldn’t get blacklisted. I’m hoping this isn’t the case.