
I’m starting think that they should take a year off to get their shit together. They’re having back to back PR disasters and should take a break.

Our locker rooms had more than a dozen showers-so the shy people changed there.

A lot of people don’t really understand how much social media has altered these teens’ lives. I think it’s easy for us olds (and I’m 26, but compared to today’s kids I’m an old) to say that social media isn’t a big deal, but we didn’t grow up with it like they have. She’s probably been active on social media since she

I wouldn’t be surprised if if was a combination of all the above. Any time you accuse a sports star of anything, you automatically face a mountain of scrutiny-especially in the age of the internet.

True, but I feel like the early 2000s trends won’t cycle around again like everything else has. Except Juicy Couture suits. I feel like the whole yoga pants epidemic will leave the door wide open for those to come back.

Two years for me. Then I transitioned into informal ed/after school programs. Got a $15K pay bump and 98% less stress.

Keep in mind it was also the early 2000s-a very dark time for fashion trends.

I’m choosing to think of it as a comedic update of Set It Off-the first (and only) all female heist movie I saw.

My coworker is dealing with the same thing now. The’ve been together 9 years and now she’s in her early 30s. They’re having one of those months long breakups that sounds terrible, but IMO, needs to happen.

Don’t know if they relate, but this reminds me of that trend a bunch of states started over the last few years of drug testing people applying for welfare. It was not lost on my that many of the stories you saw about it had black people in the stock photos and of course a bunch of people were all for it, saying that

They mobilize faster than emergency services.

The idea that they had a bunch of college students from out of town voting in an election for the school board makes my blood boil. That’s fucked up on an entirely different level.

Hope this helps, there’s usually a sassy comment at the top of the picture too.

After the Caitlyn Jenner/Glamour brew haha from yesterday, I’m starting to think these types of people set up Google alerts about their troll topics and go running to put in their two cents when something about it comes up.

Thanks! I needed a movie to watch tonight and this one works perfectly.

I’m still wondering why the administrator felt the need to call in the SRO. My dean of students had no problems pulling up a chair and sitting next to a misbehaving student for a few minutes to get them on track. But this dude apparently tried for 2 minutes, then called in back up? What the hell?

That’s something I didn’t learn until my second (and last) year teaching: kids are going to do annoying shit, but you have to get over it and keep it moving. You get to a point where you’re disciplining a student and have to remember to do so in a way that the student and the rest of the class can get on with it and

If I taught there I would find a new job ASAP. I saw plenty of students removed from class and restrained, but I’ve never seen that level of aggression from a staff member.

I wonder if she ran this by any of her girlfriends. I’d be the one telling her to design and print the flyers, then have a shredding party. She may feel better for a little bit, but I don’t think she’s going to do well with the aftermath. I can already see all of Michigan’s football fans coming after her.

Deleted because I have nothing constructive to add.