The first one lives up to all the hype. The second one is a good Red Box movie.
The first one lives up to all the hype. The second one is a good Red Box movie.
Well in my middle school mind they were “arrested” because he would put both students in handcuffs and then take them to the office. For all I know there weren’t any formal charges or anything, but it did make them feel like shit.
I’d request to transfer out of the class immediately, possibly the school. I went to middle school and high schools with school resource officers and have never seen anything like that. The worst they did was arrest/handcuff anyone who got into a fight.
??? Ask your doctor. Mine recommended the shot, but I’m not responsible enough to schedule all the appointments to get the shot.
I’m not surprised, it’s an old school way of thinking. Combined with the fact that most of us are only presented with the pill when we start BC it seems outlandish to consider LARCs.
We can’t ignore 2. It has Amy Adams in it and is entirely ridiculous.
Part of me wishes she hadn’t cancelled the reality show and we got at least one season out of it. I feel like she’s trying to be a “personality” but she’s still trying to find the best way to introduce herself.
So the Nexplanon implant is progestin only. It’s a small plastic rod inserted in your upper arm. After I got it in, I had one regular period (regular PMS and regular flow) but since then I’ve only had light spotting and minimal PMS. Before I had an irregular period-blood flow wasn’t heavy, but…
I got Nexplanon this June and I’ve been preaching it’s awesomeness to all my friends. Surprisingly, the implant/IUD makes all of them squeamish. The funniest thing about this: I’m the only one of us who is not banging anybody. One friend literally said she didn’t like the idea of a foreign object inside her. She…
They spent little to nothing on marketing it. It’s like they knew it was a fail beforehand and cut their loses.
From the moment they shut out the creator I knew this wasn’t going to be good.
Keep on trucking. Job applications are a soul suckingly long process.
I got to Walgreens and get their brand of Sudaphed. They call it Walphed. Target also has it’s own brand. Hazel Wassername named it.
I was sick for a solid week before my mom set me straight about it. Wish I had known before I spent all that damn money on the worthless stuff.
That’s exactly why I’m doing it. I have the dress, jacket, and boots already. I’m not stressing about the tights-but I need the hat to complete it.
PSA to all of you sick people in the comments. If it’s a cold/sinus issue and your OTC meds aren’t working, you may need to get the stronger stuff. This means you have to ask the pharmacist to get it from behind the counter. I learned this a few years ago when I was popping sudafed to get rid of congestion and the…
I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!! I’m super excited, but I feel awful about having to leave my current position in a lurch (I work with high school programming and I’m just now getting to know the kids :-/).
I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t like or at least appreciate the Wire. Best show ever.
Spinelli from Recess. The only things I need are the hat (which I’ll probably knit) and the socks-still looking for them though.
Part of me feels like this is the long con of the Republicans. Purposefully shoot themselves in the foot so they don’t get into the White House. Then spend the entire presidency trashing the president and controlling Congress. That way they still get to run the country but avoid any major responsibility for issues…