
They get paid to write on the student newspaper? Is that normal at other universities? I thought those were usually volunteer positions.

I’m the annoying person who reminds people how close that time was because my parents (not grand/great-grandparents) went to segregated schools. So every time someone tries to say it was all so long ago, I remind them that we’re only one generation removed from the Civil Rights Movement-and a lot of what’s going now

I tried explaining that to a friend when we were on the train around midnight and there was mom with three kids. I pointed out that if the woman had someone to stay at home with the kids, they wouldn’t be out with her, but my friend still couldn’t wrap her head around the situation.

Cycle 6!

I miss the early 2000s and all the ridiculous movies that were made that I could see for $6 on a Friday night with friends. This was one of the first my friends and I saw together at the movies, WITHOUT parents.

Is it worth me binge-watching it on Netflix?

My computer just froze and practically begged me to take this screenshot.

I feel like Hilary really wants to say: “Guys, I let you come to my party, but stay in your lane, PLEASE!”

And since when does Anderson Cooper wear hipster glasses? Where’d you get the glasses Anderson? Looks like you flew them in special from Williamsburg.


Streaming options? I still haven’t forgiven Fox News, but they’re Fox News. Tell me CNN will let me watch it for free.

It started out as sending pictures that “disappear”, then they added a text chat, and then they added the avenue for companies to use it. Bigger audience=more money.

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but....a bunch of organizations have snapchat accounts and are using them like they use instagram. They send out updates, exclusives, and other content. It’s just another way to reach more people. It’s run like any other company’s social media account.

How else are they going to reach the young wipper snappers? You know they spend all their time on their phones nowadays.

Don’t forget interesting jobs. I’ve been looking for a position like mine in other cities and it either doesn’t exist, or it does with a salary $10,000 less than what I’m making now.

Haha. So true. The reason my neighborhood is affordable is because there’s no night life and absolutely nothing trendy. I’ll take a decent rent over all that any day.

Depends on the neighborhood/city. Newark-yup. Hoboken-might as well live in Manhattan or Brooklyn for those prices.

And cost a lot in terms of transit. I considered it, but all the money I would be saving in rent would have gone right into my transportation budget.

All the Harley Quinns were my favorite.

If you have time: can you recommend a good training plan? I have a couch to 5K that’s worked for me in the past but I want to try something with a little more uumph to it. Mine got a little repetitive and boring.