Devil’s Backbone is amazing!
Devil’s Backbone is amazing!
Try season 2. A little more on the science fiction side, but the religious aspect and mental health horror stories (I was born well after the asylums closed, so I had no frame of reference for them) scared the daylights out of me.
Heeeeyyyyyy Jezzies. I’ve been at New York Comic Con and it’s been awesome. A lot of lady led/focused panels, but one in particular caught my eye: The Non-Compliant Geek’s Guide to Self Care and they talked a lot about many women being Non-Compliant because we don’t meet society’s expectations. It really had me…
The Wire first, then Sopranos. Haven’t seen Twin Peaks and I’m currently in season 2 of the Sopranos. Man oh man does HBO make quality television.
You’re just now realizing that? That’s been their game plan since Bush 2 was in office. Why do you think they actively spread misinformation?
Zombies and vampires never really go away, they have quiet years, but there’s always something new coming out years.
They do produce net positives, those positives just aren’t for society as a whole. Sororities and fraternities have one main benefit: networks-huge networks that connect students with a lot of successful people. I know they spout the charity line all the time, but connections are the real reason these groups are still…
That’s how my family handles it, except we leave out number 3. Other than praying for dinner, Christ is usually left out of Christmas in our house.
In the early days of the books/movies, they said it was a nuisance to have so many people running head first into the wall, so adding the photo op probably made that a little better, since now there’s a system in place for it.
Awww, they’re giving us a movie about a grown up Lilo! Where’s Stitch though?
Also, autism is not an epidemic. It has always been around, we just know what to call it now.
You aren’t the only one. I lack great pizza spots. There are plenty, but they all taste super generic or don’t take credit cards or aren’t on Seamless. The choice comes down to Domino’s or Papa Johns. Domino’s wins.
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting on her to write a sequel to the Host... Guess I’ll be waiting forever. :/
My mom waited until I was 22 to tell my that her difficult pregnancy with me was the reason my parents stopped at 3 kids (who’s number 3? this girl) instead of having 5. I felt bad for a hot second before realizing that my being a literal pain in her ass saved me from being the middle child of 5 kids. Alls well that…
I was my mother’s difficult pregnancy. You’ll pull through!
Damn, they dug up Sambo-that guarantees you express entry into hell right there.
And Charmed. She and Alyssa Milano got into it and they sided with Alyssa.
DC hasn’t said a lot about it because she’s appearing in Dawn of Justice. A lot of her solo movie has been kept under the radar.
Are we going to go back to the 90s and ask my Dad to put the newspaper down while at my sports practices? Or tell my Mom to turn off the TV while I was doing my homework?