No. Please no. This will be our first female led superhero movie since the two previous letdowns. Cast an actual actress and let her workout to get the superhero physique.
No. Please no. This will be our first female led superhero movie since the two previous letdowns. Cast an actual actress and let her workout to get the superhero physique.
Take a few days to read The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay. It put a lot of things in perspective for me and made me feel a lot better about “not doing anything with my life.” It also helped me readjust my goals a little bit.
The only people who’ve asked to hang onto me to cross the sidewalk are old women, and that’s when there’s ice on the ground or it’s slippery because of rain. That is the only time requesting hanging onto someone is ever acceptable IMHO.
That sounds like a good plan. It helps to live with someone who understands your schedule.
I feel you. I lived with other teachers so we all understood the struggle. Maybe ask them to keep you in the loop with plans. If there were more than 4 or 5 people coming over we always gave each other a head’s up, even if it’s an impromptu planning. And there’s nothing wrong with being anti-social for an evening. I…
Good: Dad’s realism, but I did not inherit his lack of tact. Mom’s love of books and low tolerance for BS.
I should be making a crock pot dinner, but I’ll probably opt for a freezer dinner of Butternut squash risotto courtesy of Trader Joe’s.
Internet hugs and good vibes to you!
And heterosexual females and homosexual males. Everyone loves boobies.
Papal PR team needs to step their game up. Too late though, Pope already lost a ton of cool points.
Any word on whether or not the NYC location will be open on Sundays?
Former southerner: a combination of nostalgia and lack of access. Up north, it’s nowhere near as frequent as it is down south, so whenever I’m visiting my parents, I always stop by. And I’m a shameless fan of their chicken biscuit breakfast sandwiches.
That’s my issue with the response. To each their own, if you consider yourself a humanist then fine. But it feels like many people are using the term humanist to call themselves feminist without actually using the word feminist. It’s well past time we realize feminist isn’t a dirty/outdated word.
So happy I bought my winter boats at the end of July. I heard about everyone who ordered them in November last year and got them just in time for Easter.
Does this come on a Hulu? A bitch can’t afford cable, so Hulu is my last hope.
Nick at Nite did reruns of the Facts of Life and I loved it. But alas, it was only temporary. :/
Part of me wants to say you got it just right.
Ignorant question: has STI completely replaced STD? I see them used interchangeably even though I know there’s a difference.
I remember seeing that Buzzfeed article about that testing center in NYC that had gotten shut down-and oh boy, the trolls were pissed that we needed free STD testing. They couldn’t understand why people weren’t having safe sex, completely ignoring the fact that getting tested for STDs is part of having safe sex. But,…
With a pair of cement shoes on her feet.