
I just read that 20 minutes ago. I still can’t get over the fact that they let the accused take a piece of evidence-the video camera-back to his lawyer’s office to pull the footage and are treating it as if there’s nothing wrong with that. And they’re still using the footage as actual evidence.

We had this issue at the school I worked for and certain families (the ones who communicated the issue) got about a 2-3 week period (depending on when their paycheck came in) to make sure they could buy the necessary clothes. We also gave each kid 2 free uniform shirts at the beginning, so they always had at least two

It also seems unnecessary if it’s the first offense. I can understand taking a hard line if this has been a repeated thing back and forth and the parent hasn’t cared after previous intervention, but creating this sort of tension at the beginning of the school year is all sorts of stupid on the school’s part.

I’d bet money that’s what’s going on her. The girl may have been “suspended” but this more likely them getting back at the mom by having the daughter home and inconveniencing the mom’s schedule. While I’m usually all for adhering to this type of dress code, I hope it blows up in the school’s face.

Hufflepuff signing in. It surprises people when I tell them that, because they suspect me to be in Ravenclaw. Then they remember that reading/Netflix are the hobbies I chose above anything else and then they totally get it.

It’s as expensive as you make it. Find a group to go to if you can though, it makes it even more fun.

Course 18 is no joke.

Right on the brand. The color is Stonechat 173-it’s a mix of burgundy and brown. The yarn crawl came with discounts.

My city had yarn crawl! And it’s awesome. I’m going to part 2 tomorrow. Here’s the new additions to my stash:

It was a stroke for my mom, not full on dementia, but her memory is really rattled. She doesn’t realize my brothers and I don’t live at home anymore.

And I just ordered Domino’s as well. I’m weak.

Ah, I see. I’ll allow it!

I’m enjoying a red wine called Noiret from a local winery and in terms of your aunt, I have the same situation with my mom. Visits can be rough.

I’m so happy that you exist! Keep fighting the good fight.

I lived in Florida for 10 years and never made to Mickey’s no so scary Halloween. So jealous.

I just spent $55 on yarn today! And I’m loving fall.

I haven’t seen that show, so I don’t know what to say to that. I am a little concerned that you compared me to a serial killer though.

Same as not having any Black Widow merch. Why are companies asking people to keep money in their pockets by ignoring an entire market?

I unleash it within reason: unsuspecting person-I’m nice.

Nope, I enjoy bracing my evil side. I just don’t believe in letting my evil side loose on people for no reason.