PLEASE tell me he’s coming after Starbursts, Skittles, and M&Ms next. Just in time for Halloween. The foolishness would be amazing.
PLEASE tell me he’s coming after Starbursts, Skittles, and M&Ms next. Just in time for Halloween. The foolishness would be amazing.
You know, I initially thought they set up the whole Kylie/Tyga thing to detract from Caitlyn’s transition, but now I’m thinking it’s because Kim’s pregnant and she’s going to be out of commission soon, so they need to still keep the attention somehow.
Part of me is hoping they come to a decision on whether to press charges or not soon, just so the upcoming shitshow won’t be as horrible.
It’s more so that I know she’s going to keep herself to these strict standards and stress herself out and I’m already dreading the phone calls. I know that makes me a terrible friend, but I’m telling myself ahead of time she needs patience.
A good friend of mine is trying to get pregnant (READ: not pregnant yet) and I recommended some tea and she flipped out and told me she couldn’t have caffeine. My bullshit meter almost flew through the roof because I KNOW many pregnant women drink coffee and tea all through pregnancy. She’s going about it as if her…
Ummm, they do realize that the numbers in this situation would do horrible things to their sex lives right? If a bunch more women start locking their knees (yes, I’m being crude) there will be less women out there to sleep with them period...
Pretty sure mine was an uncomfortable bicycle seat.
I’m the exact opposite. Can’t watch it week to week (I get too pissed off at the dumb things that happen and start to question my loyalty), so I have to do it all in one sitting-that way I don’t have too much time to think about it and can embrace the soapy drama.
In a word yes. They had hoped we’d give Carson a chance but all the black folk I know consider him a huge disappointment. They’ll latch onto anything they can to show that there are black people who agree with their crazy, and it’s telling that one of the few they can find is 13.
You know, I’m not at the 13 year old in this situation. They say and do crazy shit. I AM disappointed in all the adults who’re giving him a platform though. Come on people!
I’ve only seen players lose it and scream at the ref, and by then their teammates have usually pulled them back before anything can happen. The fact that this keeps happening is insane. Dealing with a ref is one of the first things you learn when playing sports, so I’m starting to wonder if the coaches attitudes…
If it was her friends then that makes it worse.
Also, it’s hella creepy that complete strangers thought it was ok to touch a woman and force her into another person.
I thought these were getting switched out for Simba cams?
It happens. It used to happen to my mom, but the guards usually used the wand and put two and two together once the wand went off around her boobs.
I’m having a vision of her making a “smoke” corner where one would keep and organize their weed supplies.
That sounds amazing.
This is one of the ways I do truly pity celebs, especially in the age of social media. They have to deal with people only using them for money/fame and then they have to worry about their friends keeping things private. When those too overlap it must be a pain in the ass. That’s something I hope I never have to deal…
So a sauna without the steam then?
The show is a lot better because they expanded tiny pieces of the books into season long storylines very well. It tells the stories of dozens of women really well-definitely worth a watch. And season 2 is some of the best television I’ve watched in years. Totally worth it.