
DING, DING, DING! We have a winner! Seriously though, the worst part of this is that since they wait so late, people who deserved noms aren’t on the show anymore *cough Michelle Fairley cough* or the show has gone a little downhill *cough Orphan Black cough*.

Cosigned. I’m a firm believer in not actively giving people a reason to be mad at me. If you’re going to spew off a bunch of bullshit, it’s going to come back to bite you in the ass at one point.

Agreed. I’m really pulling for Tatiana because Viola beat her out for the SAG Award. I want both of them to win something for their performances.

I’m super late and give zero fucks if anyone sees this. I went out dancing tonight for the first time in 2 years and I forgot how fun it can be! It was for a bachelorette party, and it actually helped that I only knew 2-3 people there (that and the 5 drinks I had to loosen me up). I need to work up the nerve to go out

Also, when they do it, it’s a D&C-totally different from the abortions PP does. /s

But you have to understand: they’re abortions were necessary and alright! The abortions they had were because of accidents! Just because they had one, that doesn’t mean everyone else should else should have access to it. Nope, the rest of those slutty slores should have to deal with the consequences of sexin’ it up

Nope. It’s my Jezebel identity.

The first time it happened to me I couldn’t figure out who the kid (one of my students-#teacherlife) was talking to. I was all of 22, so being called ma’am, Miss, and Ms. Cycnerity was a new experience.

Will they definitely be able to block it? I know the president can still veto it, but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.

It’s really scary how we live in the age of easy access to information, but people still operate using incorrect information.

I feel you. My mom had a stroke last year, so between August and December, I was flying down south once a month. It killed my savings, but that’s what an emergency fund is for.

What a lot of people don’t realize about black voters is that we were excited for Obama’s blackness, but voted for him for his policies/promises. Black people tend to vote Democrat, that’s a trend that hasn’t changed in decades.

My experience looked a lot like yours because I grew up in Florida when Bush was governor. He had the Hipanic/Latino vote on lock because he would repeat all of his speeches in Spanish. I didn’t realize that there were Hispanic who voted Democrat until I got to college.

WTF???? Did he miss the 90s and no one told him?

I need more Titus Andromedon in my life. STAT!

I love your commentary on Jezebel and Gawker, so do us all a favor and slow down a little bit. You tempted fate enough and if you actually get locked up, I won’t have comments to laugh at!

I think Jennifer’s Body had great potential but the execution wasn’t what it should have been.

Cosigned. I was so happy when I heard How to Get Away with Murder was having a 15 episode season, because I knew Viola Davis would be a lot more willing to commit to that instead of 22.

Also, we’re at a point where, in my opinion, the roles are television are better than the ones in film (at least with big blockbusters-not counting indies). TV is such a better way to remind people that you can be a versatile actor/actress, and you get to be in front of people every week-a great way to build up a

I think a lot of people think open relationships are just a free pass to do whatever and don’t realize that for them to work, there has to be a lot of communication and rules that need to be followed.