sip the juice

Yeah, education is something I really wish the Clintons had invested in, rather than the private prison industry. But what does my black ass know? *shrug*

The left isn’t letting him off the hook. Centrists are.

BLM is the sole reason these issues are even being discussed on a national level right now. I’d say that validates their methods, however inconvenient they happen to be for political campaigns.

This has happened with like 90% of the slang used in the US today. There’s a pattern. Mockery-to-appropriation is the modus operandi of how majorities interact with minority cultures. Made easier by the internet, but it’s been going on for over a century.

DC too! Had no idea they used it in Philly, though. That’s cool.

Ugh. White people getting a hold of slang...just cringeworthy. Next we’ll see all the mockery of the term (that we’ve been using in DC for decades), followed by thinkpieces, followed by more mockery.


Looks like she’s been hitting the sauce...

Her fuck ups in her last election were legendary.

I’m thinking she’ll pick one of the Castro twins. Young, southern, POC hits all her targeted demographics for VP.

This guy looks like he’s absolutely given up on life. Dear god, this photo is depressing.

More like HHS or EPA secretary.

Yeah, but if you’re the only person there, it’s like...can you really leave without it being weird?

It’s so weird that O’Malley was slated to be Hillary’s primary competitor. And might have done great too, in that charismatic Obama way, had Bernie not edged him out by announcing his candidacy a few weeks earlier.

Hillary narrowly beats Cruz and loses to Rubio. Sanders loses to Rubio and beats Cruz. But like someone else said, head-to-heads are “literally meaningless at this point.”

Eminem, spitting image

I’m black too, and I’ve been following Bernie’s campaign (obsessively) since he first announced. I’d been thinking about the age-old two party scenario of whether I’d suck it up and vote for Hillary or go Green and vote for Jill Stein instead. Bernie came along, and the rest was history. He’s the first politician I’ve

I disagree strongly with Harris-Perry on that particular point of hers, but there are legitimate critiques to be made about race and gender in the Star Wars series. I really like the kinds of discussions and panels she brings to the table.

He didn’t have support in the black community. But since the debates began his numbers have been rising, and I think that support will increase if he has a good showing in Iowa and New Hampshire.

I will admit to laughing out loud when he took off his helmet. And, like you said, was then blown away by the nuance he brought to his performance.