sip the juice

You just literally ignored the substance of my critique, which is that Hillary Clinton cost people their lives, including one of the women who was actually on that list. The narcissism of white feminism will never ceases to amaze me. Some rich white woman who lost multiple elections will never, ever deserve to breathe

Now playing

My favorite interview of Rawlings-Blake (Democracy Now):

Right, put Hillary Clinton on a list of radical women, one of whom lost her life because of Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State. Not to mention Sarsour is a Palestinian woman, and Clinton did fuck all to help women living under the Israeli apartheid regime. Classic early-mid 00's style white feminism.

Support your local antifa.

The cops were spraying indiscriminately and unexpectedly into a mixed crowd. Jesus, if y’all are the “resistance,” we’re screwed.

God, some of you have truly horrible politics. I’ll fight Trump and his neo-nazi supporters because they threaten my existence. Doesn’t mean Obama’s untouchable. If he does shitty, cowardly things, it is our job as people who claim to be in solidarity to call that bullshit out.

Oh for fuck’s sake, the most powerful man in the world can stand to be substantively critiqued about something as important as indigenous rights.

I haven’t insulted you personally here once, and yet you’ve done it in both your responses to me. We’re done.

Why would halting this pipeline back when the protests actually began have started a civil war?

Oh, I know that was a quote (my statement wasn’t necessarily personal). But I’m seeing this sentiment posted in several places in which people are crediting Obama for this and not the actual people who put their bodies on the line. #OurPresident let one woman get her arm blown to shreds, and another get lose her

Please do not credit Obama with indigenous struggle and victory against this pipeline. He did absolutely nothing and has said nothing to help.

Here I remind everyone that, on a global spectrum, the Democrats are a party with center-right politics. Obama will sit on this unless we make it impossible for him to allow these atrocities to occur.

My guess is that the Democrats are just as financially tied to this pipeline as the Republicans.

This is happening under Obama. Yeah, it’ll get worse under Trump. But this is occurring under a Democratic president, with little attention from anyone in the party.

You’re right. Bush’s wars in the Middle East are still ongoing, and Clinton wants to get us into a direct conflict with Russia, which, I’m sure, won’t have a timely end either. And that war won’t just have us bombing defenseless brown people; forget a cold war, Russia can and will fight back. My protests won’t count

Can’t wait to protest this imperialist’s inauguration just like I protested Bush’s in my younger days.

This website is such fucking trash.

Looks like he’s just pointing his finger at the wreckage, not a gun.

I can also thank Bill Clinton and the center-right Democratic party for continuing with the policies and overall objectives of the Reagan administration—including, but not limited to, mass incarceration, deregulation, and gutting welfare. Lots to be thankful for these days.

Hillary already got the black vote. She doesn’t need us anymore.