sip the juice

Looking at how her supporters are reacting to this incident, and how Bernie’s supporters reacted when he was similarly protested, what sticks out to me is the insistence on defending the candidates, as if the worst thing to happen here was Your Candidate’s Honor being tarnished. No, what’s important here is racial

From all appearances, it is helpful. While it may ruffle feathers, this form of protest works.

Here’s BLM’s website, which gives an overview of which candidates have officially supported what so far.

Black Lives Matter has proposed specific policies, and after meeting with the candidates privately in August and September, were expecting positions to be laid out by each campaign. Hillary’s is the only one that has yet to make anything concrete, hence this protest.

The idea behind these protests is to target those most likely to actually listen, which is why they aren’t really going after lost cause Republicans.

Haha, sadly it’s not just Republicans making comments like that. Sanders supporters had the exact same sense of bewilderment and entitlement after BLM protested him. It’s interesting to see the same types of responses in these comments, and I take it as a sign that Hillary’s supporters are unaware of just how badly

They actually do have specific policy proposed, hence the private meetings with the candidates to determine which elements of the platform they’d agree to. She hasn’t agreed to any part of it yet, which is why they’ve protested.

“You can get as many white people to pay lip service to ending racism as you can fit in Yankee stadium, but that won’t change things. I don’t believe in changing hearts; I believe in changing laws, systems, and allocations of resources.”

From what I’ve seen from activists after BLM met with privately Bernie and Hillary, they do indeed have a platform put forth. The website is here.

Regardless of the tact with which they employed that second protest, it worked. Ignoring your hyperbole, I think it’s extremely important for Hillary not to take blacks for granted if she wants to win this. It’s exactly what tanked her campaign last time, and the political and social climate is such that this can

She responded the way she did because BLM has no leverage over her, and she doesn’t need to appeal to them to get the black vote. The other candidates have been pushed (though protests notoriously similar to this one) to lay out specific policy and they have. She hasn’t, even after meeting with them.

Right, let’s just go have these young black protesters arrested instead:

Instead they’d rather shout down their best (if imperfect) supporters from the safety of the back of the auditorium.

Lack of courage? Oh, come on! Protesting Bernie Sanders ended up being a suprisingly effective tactic to get people talking about racial justice, and to push these candidates to lay out real policy.

“Pleasing” these people, in this case, means laying out policy. Hillary has yet to get specific about a racial justice platform and that is what they are pushing for. This shit actually works.

Think of a Goodfellas-styled film, and it could work.

Their names are further down in the article.

Then potentially making money off of the story through Hollywood (if that’s even true, who knows?). That is exploiting someone else’s experience for personal gain (one that, frankly, isn’t all that unique in America).

It sounds more like a lack of information about the girl (which is a good thing, we should be respecting her privacy) than any manipulative intentions on behalf of the author. The fact is the girl has a tough life at home, and with experience, I can say that losing a parent to estrangement can be worse than losing one

Legally, she is an orphan though.