Thing legitimately made me laugh. Look at that hideous suburbia grill and angled off wheel wells.
Thing legitimately made me laugh. Look at that hideous suburbia grill and angled off wheel wells.
Yeah, there is a reason for that man...
Frankly, it doesn’t really matter that much. It’s not going to lead to anything substantial (i.e. getting rid of Trump). That writing has been on the wall for a year. At best, we get a long, funny court drama with Don Jr. But as far as actually having an impact on the much bigger issues at play here, its just not…
“actual-neoliberal” lol
The UT player base was insanely small when i tried it. Even smaller than Quake Champions. This kind of game just isn’t in vogue anymore, and putting any more money into it was probably not a great idea.
Only been in the 3 since 2012. Thats pretty recent dawg.
Mega-Grills is up there with Stuck On Tablet Infotainment, and Everything in This Truck Interior has to be “MANLY”, for worst styling trends in cars.
Gray hair baby boomer doesn’t like whats happening at colleges *gasp* and wrote a shitty book for grandpas to buy, who gives a shit.
I have... 23,166 people blocked on twitter, not from a list. I’m not joking. Sitting on the couch, blocking the idiots and bots replying to shitty politicians and faux-outrage right wing new media personalities is a great way to unwind after a long day.
Way, way too late for that, homie.
Nice minivan.
nah, it seems to be working as intended
lol yeah if we just got rid of those pesky rules, the free market would SURELY come down and kiss u and give u a candy and call u a very nice boy.
Remove the restrictions that only benefit the very rich teams and stifle creativity and innovation.
Funny, other racecar series seem to manage passing each other. Hell, they even run different classes at the same time, making hundreds of passes a lap. Wild I know.
I know this is a foreign concept for F1 specific fans, but cars can pass each other without it being some super scary dangerous thing. Happens all the time in other series. Crazy, i know.
Inverting the field actually rocks. See: shorttrack racing.
hell yeah, a proud boy defender has logged on
The only way anyone can assume that this system will just be a “minimal amount of work” is if they know literally nothing about Formula 1.
You really think professional race series timing and scoring systems, especially F1, is run off of Raspeberry Pi? Or displayed on a “shitty flatscreen from walmart”?