The Original Mr. Goodpost

lmao, F1 always finds the most difficult and expensive way to “solve” self inflicted problems. Unreal.

Jesus christ dude, you seriously have issues.

Then don’t go to the races. Or a sporting event or any kind. Really, don’t go outside ever again cause things happen out there! And certainly, CERTAINLY, don’t ever get in a fuckin’ street car. You are way more likely to die on the way to those events than at them.

jesus christ, dude.

Yes, why would people want to see what is happening on earth.

Certainly more than all those cities from the south on the other list...

The constitution isnt a magic document, it contained poorly written horseshit like the fuckin’ three-fifths compromise, a foundational piece of the legislative balance as it was initially designed. Its meant to be changed, and desperately needs to be changed. Shit, even noted dipshit Jefferson jerked off to the idea

Yup, this is my experience too. Im about 16 hours in, and have never felt the difficulty was too hard or the need to grind to get upgrades. I have an ass(creed)load of most of the crafting materials and skill points because I’m a weeny and don’t want to spend them in the wrong place, and even then, the only fight I’ve

Yup, I did the same. Got trampled and nearly 1 shotted by the second round of piglet spawn and decided it was time to go visit some other areas of Greece for a while.

Damn, this is a really good idea. The kids are alright.

Yuuuup, couldn’t agree more. The US is a nation of dipshits, and it shows anywhere and everywhere.

The accumulation of shitty gimmicks is part of the reason both F1 and NASCAR are losing fan interest.

There’s always lots action, fantastic over-takes, strategic decisions and of course crashes!

This series is unwatchable at this point.

Only in F1 do people say things like this.

Hope it lands on a good streaming service so I can catch it. At this point, its hard to say that he isnt at least in the discussion for GOAT.

Ugh, what a terrible bro-dozer.

Another one that im a big fan of is Glass8. Gives Win10 the transparency back in a subtle and adjustable way, which is really what I felt the OS was lacking.

She didn’t lose because of the left, homie. You know that.

unironically agreed.