Is this a soccer fight, or a regular day in Harrison?
Is this a soccer fight, or a regular day in Harrison?
Or try to steal a cops gun. It’s common sense, but yet, gets ignored.
Possibly a plant by MSNBC
An all women cast for Ghostbusters? This should stop now, before we know it, the next James Bond will be a woman.
What people forget about the $15 minimum wage, is that if wages go up, there should be a corresponding increase in productivity. So the people who do see an increase, would need to work harder, and be more productive.
My memory has clouded over since that night. All I really remember is Endy, Aaron fucking Heliman giving up the HR, and Beltran striking out. (And Jeff Suppan winking when at bat)
Beltran struck out with the bases loaded. But, in my opinion, Aaron fucking Heilman is the worst Met ever.
What I do, which works on most of my dress shirts, is I hang it up in the bathroom in the morning when I take a shower, and the steam helps get rid of the wrinkles.
Some consider it more of a factor than others. For instance, insurance company A may think that being single is a major part of how you drive, while company B says that your age/gender are a bigger influence.
Probably a stupid question...but...what’s the difference between this and an attic fan? I have an attic fan, but still have to run my AC. Also, with this, would I need to cut a whole in the roof? (I have a townhouse, and the HOA probably wouldn’t like that).
Matz, Syn., Harvey, deGrom - and Montero has the potential to be a #2 guy.
“one of your best young pitchers”
Scenario 4, you have a son who’s taking a bus late at night to a comuter lot. You drive the car to the comute lot, put the keys in it, and drive away. He knows the code, gets in, drives home.
Or, you know, it could be people drive into this county from another one and get pulled over.
No fries?
Actually, deGrom, Harvey, Syndergaard, and Matz are all good hitters for pitchers.
-A female pilot.