As a Mets fan, you are 100%. If the Mets owners spent some money on bats, they would match the success of the 90s Braves. But they won’t. This talent will get them nothing.
As a Mets fan, you are 100%. If the Mets owners spent some money on bats, they would match the success of the 90s Braves. But they won’t. This talent will get them nothing.
$20 seems high, I don’t remember what I spenet at New York, but I think it was under that. I also parked at my companies office for free, and took the train, so I saved a lot on the parking too.
Not personally, but my friend was asking me what kind of cars to look at, and I steered him toward one based on the auto show.
Since you’re a Bears fan, watching Collinswoth talk about Rodgers must be hard. Even if Cutler threw a 98 yard TD pass, Collinsworth would still say something like “Oh man - watta throw, though I bet Rodgers would have made it a full 99”
Try watching a Packers game on NBC, and drink every time Cris Collinsworth gushes over Aaron Rodgers. You’ll be dead at the end of the first drive.
What’s your opinion on Ray Rice? (serious question)
One of the reasons we started the Revolutionary War was to not have to watch soccer.
At this point, if you buy a GM product, you’re just asking for it.
What electric company do you have?
So at 9:00 31% of US homes realized what they were watching and changed the channel?
Should have said “yes” to rehab.
“Fuck yeah we’re #1”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said this summers gonna hurt”
I like AC, just hate paying for it. My centraly AC unit is 30 years old, so I’m always scared to open the electric bill.
Never put raw meat on the top shelf, unless you have a container under it, in case raw meat juices drip down onto other things.
I drive on the Garden State Parkway everyday, and normally, when I can, I hit 80-85. The most dangerous part of this is when there is a car ahead of me going 55 (which is the speed limit).
Even if a job says 1-3 years experience, you can apply anyway. No one will meet 100% of the qualifications, even meeting 75% is tough. If they like you enough, companies will over look less experience than preferred.
I have LEDs and they don’t produce heat. Unless the slim style do?
“They said I need new muffler bearings, headlight fluid, a new left drive shaft, adjustable powerband, and I need to install a rear overhead crank”
Does it say why? I have those types of lights too.