
Not really though.  PC can be viewed as a neutral platform in the console war.  Exclusives is what sells consoles, but not PC’s.  Games can continue to be exclusive, then come to PC 12-18 months later, when the rush window has closed.  Sony/Microsoft still get their exclusive sales, and PC players don’t feel punished

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im not surprised she had trouble googling the UK number. it was recently changed:

With a gamepad. It’s actually pretty intuitive already, but what I’m REALLY excited for is the PSVR support, because being able to just build things with your hands would be the most intuitive of all.

The Xbox version seems pointless. Basically all Xbox One games are on PC anyways. Also while the novelty might be neat for some it’d likely be cheaper and more practical to just buy a PS4 Pro and make a gaming PC. Or as you mentioned wait for the new consoles.  Guess I am just getting old the younger me would have

That’s a pretty ridiculous thing to say, it’s the kind of ageism that I slam people for making directed towards younger fans. Try not to prejudge people based on their age.


My thoughts exactly. Wii U, anyone?

Hmmm, I’m conflicted.

After naming a console the Xbox One X, having a name that’s THAT similar, with the same controller, this seems like a death wish....

I really really liked the design. That fucking name, though...

Gravity Rush is so underrated.

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Gravity Rush 2 has a KILLER soundtrack! It really nails the all the feelings the game is going for. Crazy anime characters, soaring through the sky, dreamlike otherwords, European architecture, mechanized military marches, jazz clubs, frantic battles with giant monsters, triumphant fanfares. EVERYTHING. It’s all great.

The voice of the internet: “I don’t want to buy VR set as there are no games yet”

FF14's reboot was exceptional though, not just because of how well it paid off in the long run but because of the massive steps they actually took to fix it, far beyond what i’ve ever seen a developer do in any other situation. They must have felt genuinely ashamed at the management level even to take such drastic

If they can manage an ARR turn-around for Anthem, I will be deeply impressed. It’s definitely a possibility, but my willingness to afford BioWare the benefit of the doubt has been significantly eroded ever since the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle.

No game is beyond saving. I still have egg on my face for saying that Final Fantasy XIV was beyond saving after its rocky launch, predicted it would go free-to-play, and then slowly fade into indifference and shame as Square Enix moved on.

To be fair, a lot of the criticisms of the game just don’t really seem to be in line with my own experience of the game. It’s not a “you just don’t get it” thing, in my opinion, but “this isn’t for you”.

It’s better I guess... let’s just all stop complaining and see how this turns out.

Well, a few considerations:
Anything you do for learning purposes, will stick with you, and can be applied in any other engine, as more or less they have similar concepts. Especially if it is about game/interactive design of experiences, where the important part is how you build stuff, not how. In the initial levels of

Thanks! Will update. I...momentarily forgot it was 2019...