
I wanted to show the game to friends, who have no interest in buying persona 5, to begin with, via share play.

Read the last paragraph of the article. It may not be the reality for everyone, but people like me like to watch someone else’s reaction to a game they love. Or talk to streamers, what they think of it.

With all those extraordinarily awesome games this year (my picks: gravity rush 2, resident evil 7, yakuza zero, nioh, Zelda: botw, Horizon: zero dawn, Nier: Automata and Persona 5), which ones would you pick, as favorite?

Those pastel water color backgrounds were definitely one of the reasons, why I fell in love with the series. I admire and love them so much! >_<

Yes, but only vague. the game is set around 8000 years after Nier Gestalt/Replicant and designed to stand on its own. It might be a good idea, to watch some story summary, to at least know what project Gestalt is and why there is a strange boy with a grinning Majoras mask moon on his head, but that’s about it. Other

I’m still having this problem right now with Nier: Automata. While I did the right choice, to not watch trailers (that seriously show end-game scenes), I was still spoiled by Kotaku headlines, suggesting stuff about the very end of the fifth or so playthrough x.x (I have to explain, Nier uses a strange system of

Now play Nier: Automata! :D

This is actually useful for articles about video game AI:

If you like the style at all, then yes, play it. The story is ingenious, the gameplay and animations are breathtaking and the music is pretty much the best OST in the whole medium. And the game is getting 9s across the board from both critics and user-reviews. The only gripe people could potentially have with the game

Yes. The whole game is just a self-reflective homage to all the fans of Final Fantasy. I just love it.

The comment sections of the soundtracks of both Nier:Gestalt/Replicant and Nier: Automata are full of people who say, they never played the game, but listen to the soundtrack all the time.

Thank you. ^^

Yes it is. :D

Yes. That’s really a shame. Which is why I love to not over-level myself too much and always keep my vitality low. That way, R1-spamming and the risk of missing that stagger becomes more risky. Everytime, I see a Let’s Player fighting her and because of his high vit, he or she can just R1-spam her to death without

Now playing

If you fight each boss often enough, I find Ludwig is the most satisfying to beat. Also his design, lore and music are great. (which goes for all Old Hunters bosses) This was one of my last few fights with him, if you excuse the link:

Yeah. Sadly it’s pretty normal for people to criticize anything over minor aspects.

I’m just hoping, that Nier: Automata sells well and Yoko Taro finally gets the attention he deserves. He’s right up there next to the greatest minds in all gaming.

Well, I’ve spent over 1000$ for a Xenosaga doll. And considering, that Bloodborne counts as one of my most favorite games of all time, just like Xenosaga Episode III, 600$ shouldn’t be a big obstacle. But sadly, just like any fan of Japanese games, I’m broke right now. x.x

If you don’t want to know, don’t read any more. But you have three options: either beat those two big wolves with fire, or break the barrels near the house with the laughing women, or if you broke some barrels and found a latter down to some sewers and thought, that was a dead end, it’s not. Just drop down at the end.

The hunter fights are awesome. But many people criticize them for being parryable.