
Gehrman, is that you?

Adding Resident Evil 7 and Horizon Zero Dawn was a no-brainer. Nice, that they’re there, now. (I have no personal connection to that game, but it’s interesting and brave, that you cut out GTAV for that)

Sorry, that I can’t answer your question, but the question seems funnily odd, as this game looks more like like an actual lego game, than the TT lego games.

The worst clickbait is, when a headline intentionally suggests a false fact. A friend gave me a good example of a magazine with the headline “Does Merkel not back the EU anymore?”. And at the end of said article, there was just a side-note, that Merkel continues to support the EU. Or also those Youtube thumbnails with

I simply can’t wait for this. Nier was one of my favorite games last gen. And one of the very few very good Japanese games, other than mgs4. (If we exclude handheld games) But it was still lacking in so many ways.

This generation just rocks! I never really gave up Japanese games, but I’ve had a hard time rectifying my preference for Japanese games during the PS3/360 generation. Most big franchises had already gotten worse during the ps2 generation, but with the complete abscence of good final fantasies or resident evils, etc.

I wish, instead of “Game over”, you would get “You died” and the sound from Dark Souls... That would be awesome.

Im guessing it’s some fourth wall breaking thing, like the merchant can hack the Psn for you. I love idea. And giving this opportunity only after three playthroughs is a great idea, as well.

Thank you for the answer! If you’re really able, to simply buy the stuff otherwise, that would be awesome.

The game is already preloaded and I’m ready to get into horizon asap. But reading this actually makes me a little less excited: do I really have to hunt real animals? I love completing stuff and getting all the equipment and upgrades, but I hate killing helpless animals.

Awesome video. Makes me want to dig into Unreal Engine again...

This year has so many games which by themselves could have been GOTY any other year.

behold your new master: Catulhu

Actually, all big reviewers, I’ve read stuff of, are still testing and reviewing on normal PS4s. And most of them make a point of it when it comes to this game, how good it looks on normal PS4s already.

Thanks for the input.

Hideo Baba is a great guy. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him once and watching two conferences with him. And he’s an honest, nice and funny guy. And (despite the general opinion), he directed my most favorite Tales of games, except for Zesteria... I wish him all the best and great things at Square Enix.

Just like Americans, Japanese people have a problem with rolling the ‘R’. But that’s simply how those languages work. They have no reason to actually roll ‘R’s, because that’s not how you pronounce words in those languages. Or at least not from the perspective of Spanish or German people.

*Goes up to chocobo and wants to mount*

Fair enough. But just for the protocol, the KOS-MOS doll on my ava is not ball-jointed, but a Dollfie Dream, who have a plug-in skeleton. And dollfies are far more anime-inspired in their style, compared to BJDs.

Damn, I didn’t know the Okabe version, yet!