From some interviews, I know, that at least Suhei’s children have 3DSes.
From some interviews, I know, that at least Suhei’s children have 3DSes.
Hehe. Yeah, that’s true. But you could also argue, that those games are constantly teaching you.
Eurogamer wrote, that Platinum and Microsoft parted ways while the game was in development hell these past months. But I wonder which side that came from. Was it Platinum who didn’t want to invest so much effort into a game, that will hardly sell anything on their home market, while also being a niche game on the…
It looks gross, but clearing your sinus is a very good and healthy thing to do.
Damn. I haven’t had the chance to watch this until now. So thanks for sharing the transcript as well.
It’s like the first nier, which was already blending different genres seamlessly and had awesome audio and aesthetics, but with the speed and fluidity of a platinum game.
Best Guinness World Record, ever. :D
Controversy: I like ME3 more than ME2. I know ME2 is a favourite for most people. But I simply can’t see why. I liked ME1's mix of RPG and third-person shooter way more and found the more action-y gameplay of ME2 just bad. It had less RPG elements, but for an action game, on the other hand, it was just bad. Totally…
I think on kinda funny, Colin said, they had some internal discord. And it ended up in the main developer doing his own thing (either this or an entirely different game).
They’re using the fictional language from the games in the anime, as well. :D
Woha a new game+ would have been so great. I love that game so much... It’s easily one of my top three games of all time.
Sorry for double-answering, there is no PM-function on kinja. I did something regarding Xenosaga in my kinja-blog, that might interest you :D :
Sorry for double-answering, but I just uploaded one of my video projects. It was something about Xenosaga Episode II. I described what I did on my kinja-page:
Can totally understand that. The story is so convoluted, that it’s even difficult enough to catch up even while playing.
Oh with flat story I actually meant FFX. It was presented very well, but it was actually just a very simple journey with no big twists.
Oh I liked Final Fantasy XII as well. Especially for its world and battle system. But overall I enjoyed X more. The story is pretty flat compared to other RPGs, but it was presented in such a good way, imo.
My personal favorites of the ps2 are Champions of Norrath, Silent Hill 2, Odin’s Sphere, Shadow of theColossus, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 3 Persona 4 and hands down Xenosaga Episode III.
It was a Vita and Ps4 title all along. It’s more unbelievable that it’s being ported to XBox One, too.
Toriko (The japanese spelling of Trico) has many meanings. One of them is the combination of the words tori (bird) and neko (cat).
Yes. Trico’s snout and ears ev en look exactly like a Siamese.