
For me, the most striking thing is how Trico behalves. Almost all of its movements and behaviors to jump, express emotions or cuddle the player are directly taken from real world cats.

And I’m glad he called it a “catbird” and not a “birddog”, like those idiots at IGN... Because that’s what it is. Partly bird, partly cat.

Oh lol. I didn’t see, that the first actor actually resembles Guillermo del Toro. Maybe he is involved. But up until now, I think, there was no mention of him in this project, was there?

Guillermo del Toro would totally love this. This project has pretty much gone into an H.P. Lovecraft direction.

Finally my OCD doesn’t bar me from playing Fallout 4 anymore.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding a little, but you call the upper position the “primary”, while the lover is the “secondary”. If so, shouldn’t both sticks be on the primary position? If I play a shooter, my right thumb is almost always on the right stick, only occasionally going up for crouching, jumping, reloading, etc.

According to your post, the PSP Go would also be an entirely different platform as well.


Why do you say PS Vita vs. 3DS *AND* DS? Shouldn’t it be PS Vita and PSP vs. 3DS and DS, then? And if you started to include backwards compatibility, to begin with, why not also include PSOne classics and e-shop classics?

I’m not a hardcore Nintendo fan at all. But I commute by train daily and obviously very interested to play on the switch in the future. It might even replace my ps vita at some point depending on the games.

Too bad it’s not velvet room themed.

There you go:

Valkyrie Drive is actually a really good game. The gameplay is fun and the graphics are great. I also really dig that art style. It’s less like Senran Kagura and more like a Kyoto Animation anime... Just with bigger breasts.

I would love to play Bloodborne at 60fps. But if I had to choose between the looks of the game and the feel of 60fps, i’d still have chosen the look. That’s a personal thing.

This one is the most critical article I’ve read yet. And it’s even laying out the facts as needed for each point to make it seem as if vr isn’t ready, yet.

The nose and the rest of the model are almost the same. Some details on the clothing seem to haven been removed. The reason, why the nose looks different is the missing ambient occlusion in 2016. It gave the image more depth (it also created the soft shadows around her clothes). But in terms of performance, ambient


Yeah. ATM, square is finally starting to support the platform. Other Japanese developers have been doing so for years now.

Vita games have a tendency to be stealth-released.