Oh is it that bad? That’s sad, I like the first season.
Oh is it that bad? That’s sad, I like the first season.
I liked Stranger Things pretty much. Nice Silent Hill-like.
I’ve seen that trailer before the Sony E3 press conference and I don’t know how to say it, but it touched me. It’s not necessarily something, I want to play because of the gameplay, but more for the audio-visual impression.
Offtopic: Why did I read “Rise of Irony”? Someone has to already have made that joke before, right?
GIGA games was really really awesome back in 2001 to 2006, before most of their editors went over to MTV Germany to host GameOne, which was also a very awesome show, that even received the Grimme Online Award, which is Germany’s biggest possible award for TV shows. Today, those original editors work independently and…
If the Trek-cosplay was mirrored, then the pips were on the wrong side. Great to see a TNG cosplay anyway. I hope uniforms of that period will return to the franchise eventually.
When I saw the other-world version of that pool, I instantly thought of Silent Hill.
How awesome would it be, if Konami comes forward and says: “You know what? That was all just a troll. But the shown material wasn’t fake. Here is the remake of MGS3 in Fox engine for all current platforms!”
I hope you don’t mind the self-advertising: Let’s talk about Danganronpa’s first episode from yesterday.
Seriously, what were they thinking when they animated Bulbasaur like that? Based on how it enters the screen and how it moves before the end of the scene, they must have know, how Bulbasaur normally stands.
Classic. :D
I love it so far. Fighting is fun, characters are good and the story interesting. But...
I also posted that this morning (from a European standpoint):
Looks like something, that might be patched pretty soon. I wonder why it does that. I usually don’t have problems with games, where others scream “bad camera”, but I won’t pick it up too soon anyway.
Those games will make you think about a lot of things. Their stories are mind-blowing on a whole different level, than what you will ever see in any form of medium (especially in western media).
I know where you’re coming from and agree, that as an underage (where 16 is already pretty borderline there), you’re not perfectly responsible for what you do.
I suppose, the first time, she had that expression on her face was in the age of 14, when she got her baby, or a couple months before that, when she noticed, she was pregnant...