Personas UI interface is on a whole different level than any other developer in any medium. Even today, Persona 5 will be no different.
Personas UI interface is on a whole different level than any other developer in any medium. Even today, Persona 5 will be no different.
I will say this now and look how it turns out:
For me the game was certainly a slow burn.
Yeah. You really see, they had to keep it tight. they could easily filled another two or three hours with games.
definitely the low point in sony’s whole press conference. It was really awkward.
Don’t... want to... spoil, but... can’t... resist. >_<
Who has won e3? - The gamer
Okay. “Something similar” is an exaggeration. But a lot of people are coming back, or started playing BB after DS3.
Great to hear that. Bloodborne is easily one of my most favorite of all time.
Something similar is happening to bloodborne, too. I’m reading r/bloodborne daily at the moment. And there is a whole bunch of people, posting, that they’re returning to bloodborne.
For me it’s:
I’ve never seen such a bad review before. Who are those two idiots? Does anybody need to know them? They seem to not know anything about game design and it gets especially embarrassing, when they think they are funny. It’s like letting two random people play something with their very bigoted view on games. Simply…
Good to hear, that the Vita version also hits the 60 fps.^^
I would have almost no interest in this game if it wasn’t on Vita.
What I would have given for an actual remake of the game with those graphics...
Except for the year, that joke never gets old.
Nice. Most of those lists might as well be my personal favorites for each of the systems.
That's where I'm getting it too. I might also get the ps4 version at some point, but having the option to play it on the train or on the home tv via PSTV makes the vita version a little more convenient for me. I'm looking forward to it so much. The ps2 original was one of my most favorite games.
What a month!