
This article is specifically speaking about Instant Pots. Can’t submerge an Instant Pot in water!

To Afijaymz1's point, that’s YOUR expectation. Not everyone else’s. That seems to be the point you continually keep missing/ignoring. He kept saying he understood where you’re coming from, but you can’t let go that others think differently.

To Afijaymz1's point, that’s YOUR expectation. Not everyone else’s. That seems to be the point you continually keep

Yeah... I’ll stop responding. Can’t debate with someone who is set in their ways and throw out the “false equivalencies”. Seriously, if I hear that or “straw man argument”, it’s usually a sign of someone that can’t debate and LOVE to just regurgitate key words.

Yeah... I’ll stop responding. Can’t debate with someone who is set in their ways and throw out the “false

Wow. This guy just doesn’t get it. Very much a clap my hands over my ears and yelling, “I’m not listening! I’m right! You’re wrong!” His opinion is fact, apparently...

Wow. This guy just doesn’t get it. Very much a clap my hands over my ears and yelling, “I’m not listening! I’m

No, I’m not saying a TV does the same thing. I’m saying I USE it the same way. I’ve never ONCE gotten up and used any control on a TV since 1986. Never once.

No, I’m not saying a TV does the same thing. I’m saying I USE it the same way. I’ve never ONCE gotten up and used

Again, that’s your take. There are plenty of machines/tech out there that rely on a remote or something not housed within the body of the main unit to work. I’ll never have a problem, since I can use my Echo Dot to command it to work through Alex. Or my tablet. Or my computer.

Again, that’s your take. There are plenty of machines/tech out there that rely on a remote or something not housed

Again, that’s your issue. Your premise is that it’s a bad tool because it doesn’t meet YOUR requirements. That’s my issue with your comments. I started off by trying to acknowledge your gripes as valid (and they still are). But you seem to be unusually biased against the Joule. And the type of person who feels that

Again, that’s your issue. Your premise is that it’s a bad tool because it doesn’t meet YOUR requirements. That’s my

As I said, I can get what you’re saying. But you have different wants/needs.

As I said, I can get what you’re saying. But you have different wants/needs.

I get what you’re saying and you’re right if that’s important to you. But the power of Joule (for me, specifically), is the bundled recipes and guides that come with the app. That, and the smaller footprint.

I get what you’re saying and you’re right if that’s important to you. But the power of Joule (for me, specifically),

I use the Jaybird X2's and never had a dropout. I have a friend who uses Beats Studio Wireless headphones and while the sound is shitty, he's said he's never had any problems with connectivity, as well. I think Bluetooth 4.0 has solved any of the problems there used to be.

HAHAHAHA. Cracks me up when people deny other people, just because they believe that ONLY their opinions/experiences are valid and everyone else is false. What a way to go in life... Following the Trump way, are you?

Don’t know what to tell you. It’s not bullshit for me. Nor is it for the other people I know that have them, as well. I’m not talking about hundreds, but I know 13 coworkers that bought Anker Soundbuds and 1 that bought Jaybird Freedom’s and all have been extremely happy. We all use them at work (and at gyms for

I have both a cheap and expensive pair of bluetooth in ears (Anker’s Soundbuds Sport and Jaybird Freedoms). Both work really well and have no dropouts.

Says the guy who tried to call someone out and looked like an idiot for being an idiot. HAHAHAHA.

Ummm, YOU’RE the one responding to someone talking about Facebook friends being ideally not being the people that would rob you. You brought up “people you know”. Ostensibly, if you’re going to bring that up, you’re equating the original commentor’s “Friends” sentiment as “people you know.” Otherwise, your comment and

“offenders known to their victims” does not mean that they’re friends. I know a lot of assholes, but I don’t call them my friends.

And that’s mostly what Android Wear users are using it to do, too.
Very few people are trying to use Android Wear (or Apple Watch) like it’s inspector gadget.

Agreed. All of Pebble’s stuff is UGLY. And navigating on them is annoying.

Yes, YMMV. That’s why I keep saying “personally”. Personally, it’s not intuitive. It’s clunky as hell. Pushing two buttons like it’s Morse code is a painful way to navigate. And, I don’t know anyone who believes Android Wear in any form factor is trying to use it as a fully functional, standalone device. It simply

I think the Pebble Time is garbage. It’s UI is clumsy and, man, it looks so ugly to me. Huge bezels and ugly shape.