I looked the word up on Miriam Webster, and came across the delightful term, “codfish aristocracy” in the following discussion. Beautiful.
I looked the word up on Miriam Webster, and came across the delightful term, “codfish aristocracy” in the following discussion. Beautiful.
Or deliberate on the part of a fashion consultant who’s worked with Melania for a while and hates her guts.
“The honor of my race, family and self is at stake. Everyone is expecting me to do big things. I will. My whole body and soul are to be thrown recklessly about the field. Every time the ball is snapped, I will be trying to do more than my part.”
The local Black Lives Matter group here is on the case...
I watched a documentary about RR on YouTube a while back, and it actually made me angry.
Yet we knew all of this before the LAST election, and it did no good because the electoral college is an anti-democratic holdover. Ban it.
Doesn’t matter how pretty they are if all that comes out of their mouths is ugly.
George is the same man who wrote the SCOTUS brief for Paula Jones’ case against Bill Clinton in 1998. He has MUCH more in common with his wife, politically, than his daughter. He’s not the good guy.
So Palin sends an open letter to Harris saying, “People will say mean things about you,” then says mean things about Harris.
The part of my brain that controls my nightmares thanks you for that image.
What do you think Kim’s trying to do?
I would not be surprised to see this guy gunned down rather than taken alive. But I can also see the cops making every effort to avoid that outcome, because white man.
The only thing he ever cared about wrapping up was his next guaranteed money.
I felt that Dvora Myers and Diana Moskowitz did tremendous work with the Larry Nasser trial and sentencing. They had a really great staff, and I can’t wait to read WYTS this fall again.
If you miss Deadspin, go to Defector.com post haste.
I did a little cursory searching, but couldn’t find anything damning. Can you clarify?
Jones is not the same man he was in 2003. Tyson is a fair approximation of who he was that same year. It’ll be a blowout if he’s trying hard.
Man who always looked out for #1 says nobody is bigger than the game.
Take my star for beating me to the joke.
Iowan here. Reynolds signed this order 51 days after she promised--and failed--to deliver a draft of the order to BLM leaders in Iowa. She had to be shamed into signing it.