
Just as long as we can still get some more “James May, Our Man In...” shows, I’ll be satisfied.

-Sir Laurence Olivier

Twitter not having a communication department might have permanently destroyed my Irony Meter.

too bad you can’t do a blood oath of fealty through the internet LOL.  Fuck this “business genius” to Mars and leave him there.

Step 1 in CryptoBro Culture -- never, ever, eeeeeeever admit a mistake.   Repeat ad infinitum.

Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.

Shouldn’t have used the password: JacksonRoykirk66

And nothing of value was lost

It’s difficult to trust a word that PETA says. Their shelters have exponentially higher rates of euthanasia than other shelters. They forcibly take or encourage people to surrender animals under the guise of providing foster care but end up euthanizing them under their “compassionate euthanization” program. In one

Does anyone else feel like was sort of inevitable after Brad, Vinny, and Alex left?

Yes, and suicide by train is a big thing too.

In spite of the lack of impact (I once saw it compared to a car running over a soda can) this can be extremely traumatic psychologically for engineers. Sometimes it’s career-ending.

All religion is fake. Bless her stupid, hateful fucking heart. 

Such a disservice to those actually victimized by hate crimes. What kind of bizarro world does one have to live in to think that this is a good idea. It was so over-played with the noose, the MAGA hats, the racial and homophobic slurs.  I personally called this one as soon as I heard the details.

Damn. Seems like The Root hasn’t been shedding talent like some of its sibling sites have over the last year or two, but your departure is a big loss for the readers.


I used to like Mitch Hedberg.

Agreed, not really a fan of him. But anyway, he was on Rogan (no, I don’t listen, but it made all the newzzz). Rogan was whinging about lockdowns and masks. Burr shut his stupid ass down.

Oh, and if you, the reader, are thinking Jalopnik is about to become a little bit less left-leaning in her absence, I promise you, it’s going to get much worse. Not because Erin was a voice of restraint, but because she’d want it that way.

Couldn’t find what I was looking for, but found this gif instead.