
I hope he got a generous signing bonus, because that’s the ONLY guaranteed money in an NFL contract, usually. And I have no problem with one player getting mega-paid, because the owners are always making WAY more than any player. The salary cap is an excuse to keep expenses low, not to level a playing field. 

Excellent analysis. The only other alternative I can see is that Kanye’s ego is simply out of control.

Dear police reformers,

I’m not surprised a Catholic priest said this junk. The priesthood is a LOT more conservative than their American church-goers, who tend to be much more liberal on things like birth control and such. What’s astonishing is that he had it printed in the church bulletin, FFS. Just re-run an old sermon for your column,

Iowan here. Reynolds hasn’t been too busy to immediately sign not one but TWO executive orders placing restrictions on abortion access due to the coronavirus. They’ve both been blocked by the courts, but still, she’s a traitor to her own gender, IMHO.

If you want cringe-worthy, I always felt bad when his studio crew were forced (presumably) to laugh at his lame jokes during his MSNBC program years ago. Lord, was that awkward.

100% those guns are NOT loaded. Not that it matters. Book ‘em, Dano.

Those of us who are not part of any online streaming can find it difficult to understand how big a deal it is for someone to lose their platform like this, but it’s no different than losing a job. Well done highlighting just how this corporate capriciousness hurts real people.

Total cabana boy.

Have you SEEN Jurassic Park? No one ever complained about a lawyer getting cut in half.

I regret I have but one star to give.

If the only reason I know you is because of obnoxious behavior, you should re-think your life choices.

Jay, three cheers on the allowance analogy. I loved it.

I grew up when Patrick Ewing was dominating at Georgetown--where he’s now the head coach. Hello, old...

Data analyst here. Friend with a truck is even worse than a friend who knows computers. We’re both in demand when others are in need.

Shorter Robert E. Lee: “It’s wrong, but it beats paying them a salary.”

Don’t underestimate the desire to not disappoint your parents. My wife chose her first college out of that motivation.

You have the ability to deduct certain expenses from taxes, but realistically, if you’re running a laptop and a monitor, you shouldn’t be paying much extra. And you were going to be paying for the internet, anyway. The wear and tear on your car via commuting is also a factor to be thrown in.

Don’t conflate Lindsey Graham with prostitutes...he does his submissions for free.

Please do, for real. This was an excellent article, and I would love a follow up on that topic.