Which is why these two need to be made to squirm under oath. “So, what did you talk about AFTER the text exchange, Hmmm?”
Which is why these two need to be made to squirm under oath. “So, what did you talk about AFTER the text exchange, Hmmm?”
Duck duck goose was the best storm surge.
Part of me wants to believe it’s in the rule book.
In my head, the actual band was playing a rehearsal for a comeback tour on the premises.
How many of those specialists would have stayed primary care physicians if they hadn’t needed to CHASE the money? Being a PCP is not as lucrative as it once was. So MFA could help ease the shortage of family doctors because they’d feel less financial pressure to specialize. (All of this in a perfect world, of course).
It’s always Cumber-some, isn’t it?
This. The anticipation of being cut is way worse than getting cut cold turkey.
And it would instantly fire up the evangelical base, and swing all the people who WOULD vote Republican were it not for Trump.
I’m going to consciously uncouple from this thread now...
Oh, if ONLY the press was as tough as he thinks they are...
“Never wear your best suit to a locker room celebration.”
So, baseball players, then?
+1 Benjamin
Wish I could say the same. Boring-ass Grand Prix.
Nominate that reporter for a Pulitzer, I don’t care if they’re eligible or not.
Scariest Joker ever, for my money.
Agreed. No bias against getting old, but his body is warning him it’s not down for this.
Not for the first time, I feel the UK needs to take a serious look at its laws governing freedom of speech and the press. Their libel/slander laws strike me as wrongheaded, while, paradoxically, the tabloids get away with far too much. They need to strike a better balance.
I’m still waiting for the crooks in the W. Bush administration to end up in the Hague, so I’m not holding my breath on this bunch of perverts.
I’m working on 14 years for mine, and I’m tired of it. And yet, I’m in no position to fork over that kinda dough for a new car, either.