
Now I’M feeling sick...

How far away are we from issuing soccer coaches red challenge flags?

Shades of a Men at Work album’s art.

Maybe make a Jedi game where the lightsaber is super-powerful, but requires recharging? Balance the power of the weapon with a limited power source.

Tom Clancy’s original Ghost Recon aside, this is a very astute observation.

Oh, THIS I gotta Google.

He knows--he’s just putting on a front.

I’ll chip in on the airfare to bring him to Washington.

Am I the only one who wonders whether they waited this late so Magic couldn’t take credit for the deal?

If you really want to earn money as an idiot, become a GM in the NFL.

The real sick-making thought is that she could find a home in the Trump administration.

In the immortal words of George Carlin, “Fuck Lance Armstrong.”

He’s union. ‘Nuff said.

We’re gonna play now!

I’m willing to bet there are still guys pissed that Mesut Ozil missed that shot in the 89th minute that led to the Brazilian counter-attack.

Minnie Pearl was always exempt from that rule.

Robin Ventura would like a word...

So you’re saying the racket made a nice racket?

If you really wanna piss Trump off, have someone who’s not a white male do the bit. Preferably someone of Mexican descent.

If they make this available in a CX-5, I will fall all over myself to get one.