
That piping style is of the “fuck shit up for clicks” school of design.

In Sajak’s (tepid) defense, if you had that job, how much effort would YOU put into it?

E-scooters are fair game for everyone.

See my profile name. Can confirm. 

Thanks. I couldn’t see him losing to a non-contender on purpose.

OK, I hate to be cynical, but this IS boxing we’re talking about...

Let’s remember some (bad) guys...

She’s too old for him.

The older I get, the more parody dies.

Does this man take pleasure in ANYTHING?

I will remember that video to my own dying day. Disturbing as hell.

I am now dumber for having watched that.

Bingo. Seems a bit haughty of them to think they can just waltz into the biggest, most public event of the year and qualify as a lark.

You think they care about what their constituents think? Beg to differ, in strong terms. They only care about their own power bubble.

This is the greatest scam since the Nigerian prince. 

Remember when everyone thought baseball in Florida was a good idea? Maybe in the spring, only.

“What the hell did I just watch?”

That tweet from Junior is so good, I can’t help wondering who wrote it for him.

Well, I’m sure they’ll sell for that on the USED market...

This has been your White Sox highlight for the year 2019. That is all.