
While still shafting the drivers who do the actual work.

I want Ray Ratto to write my obituary.

+1 Lady Bic(tm)

Take your st-arrrrrrrrghh...

Pancakes? Bad? Megan, why do you hate fun?


Bobby Bonilla will serve as his agent.

Fatty here. Can confirm.

It is a tale told by an idiot a gearhead, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Dude looks like he should be playing in a Sunday YMCA league.

+1 peace in our time.

The “Like if you think he should go to jail” is proof of their own thirst for Twitter validation.

My wife and I recently went furniture shopping. I have a very good mattress/springs, but when she lay down on the “premium” model at the store, she looked as if she’d just seen God.

Rahm is the worst Democrat not named Manchin.

Jason will probably save this article format as a template, because unless Bioware really changes its stripes, there will be more of these to come.

This says all you need to know about Will Cain’s standing with his co-workers.

His first Deadcast back from his absence.

“Oh, snap.”
—Joe Thiesmann

It does, and you should be.

Who’s writing this script, M. Night Shyamalan?