
I’m starting to realize Izzo is nothing more that Coach K without the hair dye.

I am eagerly awaiting her Twitter response.

Too soon. Still.

Pretty sure that was my reaction when Mike Schmidt hung up the glove. It sucks to see idols retire, but this was as close to perfect as you could hope for. Kudos to the Mariners.

They recently had a home-and-home against the Montreal Musaks.

My wife would tell me this would look great in our old house as SHE moves into a new one.

Either they’re still together for financial reasons, or the sex must be amazing. I’m leaning to the former.

This gives new meaning to the term “sunk cost.”

He’s got medical bills to pay. I’ll allow it.

...and whatever one would call Lieberman...

I see him every time I look at Pence. The resemblance is uncanny.

Close. Joe West might be more hated, still.

I want to have your baby for this line.

“Crash Davis?”

Fun fact--I overdosed just reading this. 

+1 Stat Boy.

You glorious bastard.

Or a guy who grew up poor and developed a maniac’s obsession with never going back to that state. Take your pick--they could both be true. 

I’ll bet this guy was just a joy to have as a neighbor with that kind of pettiness.

Be fair--if you’re like me, you’re on the couch all weekend, anyway.