
Junior Varsity?

Came for the Photoshop, was not disappointed.

Couldn’t do any worse.

“...too much diva.”

I’ll take poop stories over this.

If the “R---kins” get to be the Veterans, then San Antonio should change their name to the Bone Spurs just for balance.

Except for all the racists in the 4th district who think he’s positively fine and dandy because he’s not a Dem.

Iowan here. Living in a relatively blue part of the 4th district, I can nonetheless attest that having King as its Congressman is truly representative of the district. I hope his eventual death is slow, unpleasant, and unmourned.

+15 year wait for HL3

Somewhere, Peyton Manning is muttering, “Idiot kicker” under his breath again.

“You weren’t there.”
So what?

There’s a difference between sick and sickening.

Yes. Yes, there is.

I would like to see him retire now and be honored before the opening ceremonies at Wimbledon. It’s literally painful to him, and emotionally painful to us, to see him try to hang with his opponents at this point.

Your moderators better be alert--they’ll be coming here to blame Deadspin. Greys are a good thing.

+1 sniffed fart

Oh, man--you just shoved me into a Wayback machine. 

I live in Ames. There are some ugly undercurrents there, for sure. 

+1 carry me home.