
American Gods is supposed to be all multi-cultural and shit but are we going to get a full episode dedicated to the origin story of & connection to, some non-white (or even non Anglo/Irish) characters? Hmm.

I have an Irish mother but I'm Australian born and um, I couldn't tell the accents were fake. My mother & most siblings ditched their accents anyway to be upwardly socially mobile.

I think power-mad egomaniac narcissists like Trump are what's most truly wrong with the world, but hey. She's not so great. Except as a character to watch. I doubt she'll redeem herself and I'm fine seeing that not play out. I'm enjoying watching a female character for a change who's not a flat out villain who's also

His right eye seems to be consistently slightly lighter. Not sure if done with lighting or lenses.

I think Sean Spicer is symptomatic of a wider problem.

I've read SO many books with Norse gods in the modern age and I still haven't found one that acknowledges Heathens (racist or otherwise). It's a gold mine of opportunity and someone needs to pick up on it. I mean, even the US military recognises Heathenism as a religion now. I don't know if American Gods is going to

But seriously, you need to clarify what your issue with the show is. Otherwise no one cares to respond.

So you were debating the physics of bullets and -?

She had a foster mum(s) who doesn't really care about her. It's pretty normal to idolise and imagine the loving mother you never had, with that bleak childhood. It doesn't stretch my belief, though I still don't like "power of love" type endings personally.

Ah well it wasn't until fairly recently then, according to my family who lived there several years ago, hahah. But yeah, everything looked broken except for the Memory Police.

Yeah, I thought this story needed more oomph/development, but the character moments were great so I liked it more than the previous one.

"Love saving the day" for me is "I love this show but oh yeah of course it's a family show no matter how dark it sometimes seems to be" and then I go watch something like Orphan Black or American Gods as a palate dirtier.

"Bill is not different. Equal to any other companion." Ugh you are toxic and your homophobic apologism needs to gtfo.

I'd be putting a lot of conscious effort in making sure she reproduces copiously, or at least her genetics being spread by other means, but maybe that's just my megalomaniacal ambitions.

not what they said however.

Did you grow up without a loving mother?

I didn't see the Doctor "let" the kid get eaten - ?

I think the rubbish and stuff is Britain in its default state. Don't they put their household rubbish out in plastic bags still?

Um, wasn't it excellently conceived and it was only through having powerful enemies using extraordinary means that they were caught, which got the detectives so intrigued? That was kind of the point…. also, no one cares re your last para.