
Poor Tyr. He used to be Zeus, etymologically speaking.

You ever read anything about mythology? Might be relevant to this. Yes, in an oral tradition you totally can have the same character names and "make it a totally different thing". It's a modern thing to bleat about "authenticity".

So you don't like this show then okeydokey.

I downloaded some subtitles. I didn't watch it on Starz.

If you say his name out loud it becomes pretty obvious. They're finding another way around the reveal I reckon.

I'm white but I was bemused/squicked by the style, it made the characters look not even human to me, and I think that was an unfortunate choice. The baby died of cold/starvation but the mother looked undead to me from first viewing, then I wondered if they were spirits, and then I went, ohhh, they're meant to be human

More care because it was CGI? Oh please.

Agreed. This show wouldn't be this show unless it was bonkers, but it's not always everyone's bonkers every week. The logic of the space egg one and this one annoyed me a bunch more than usual.

Well, I quite liked Broadchurch? Though the acting and music and everything else was excellent, which wasn't directly up to him, but it was a nice product I thought. I think I enjoyed Torchwood S2, but I'm feeling Chibbers is probably going to be a bit second rate unless he pulls something fresh out of the bag and

I want more companions with secret evil orders/agendas/moral conflict. Turlough's arc wasn't quite enough for me. Big Finish had the Nazi companion, that was good.

Shiny things! Thankyou, that occurred to me straight away too. And if it occurred to me, it should have occurred to the Doctor.

Yeah it never occurred to me when watching it until I read some US reviews.

Just because Bill gave her consent doesn't mean humanity will. That was silly unless you look at it on a symbolic level which to be fair, this show does a lot of.

I couldn't quite suspend my disbelief when they were showing the humans the future that the humans (and Doctor) would take them at their word (there was the "What I saw was real!!!!1!" so I guess….) but what unfolded with the bacteria, minutes to midnight etc did actually look like it was confirming that the future

They said: "We have chosen this form to look like you" so I assume it's not their actual form. If their concept is consistent for the next ep.

I was really squicked by the Doctor saying something about the scientist developing a crush on him, it looked to me like she was pulling a face in response, and she should have, it was an sexual-boundary-crossing comment played for laughs. Don't mind irreverence but this was not well judged.

This is my least favourite episode this season by far. Oh well. I guess I don't really like big military type stories DW does sometimes. Hits too close to home I think. I also didn't find the strategic surrender at short notice sufficiently realistic (seemed forced to me), also I got bothered more than usual by

Well, the way TV Tropes uses "Unfortunate Implications", it often means being insensitive/offensive. But you possibly mean you're tired of SF using weak analogies rather than going straight for the political jugular, in order to avoid controversy. (Oxygen did not shy away.)…

But some episodes DO get better on a rewatch, at least for some? That CAN be a criticism as well as praise.

You're free to say what you like, but not free to not be criticised for it.