
oh well yes i managed to borrow some copies online as it were, but they are rather expensive taken as a whole.

Disability often presages death in stories. The character damaged beyond able-bodied repair dies nobly. I wonder if the blindness is leading to regeneration in some complicated tragic way.

reserve power? not hard to think of handwavium.

Are you implying all these forgiving nerds who said they enjoyed it actually secretly found it a borefest?


Exactly. Unfettered capitalism has no morality - is that such a shocking concept to some? It requires checks and balances - what happens when those aren't there?


The Doctor couldn't see. It was an episode with a lot of choppy editing deliberately, playing on subjectivity of the characters. Idk, it worked for me.

Well, technically "race" is not a scientific term to use of humans… but if that dude was human, I'd say he qualified.

Didn't they do something like that with Clara's arc?

I love that the ep triggered these types SO badly. Good television should be challenging.

tl;dr but thanks for the laugh from the skim. And yeah, why is it always right-wing ranters who do the Random Capitalisation?

Yeah, that last bit took me out of the episode, but that happens sometimes, like at the end of Smile. Gotta wrap things up neatly, especially for the kids.

Looked brilliant to me but I don't watch much US telly.

Exactly, "showrunner" is so so so much more than "writer".

Yeaaaahhhh even now fair and equitable access to justice is not a Thing. Got money? There are SO many reasons why "suing your employers" in this episode setting would not be something that would EVER be possible. Is trust in the capitalist legal system of today why you're cynical about the "lesson" of the dystopian

Not if you're used to crap writing and ridic expensive special effects aka Hollywood.

Oh lord it's usually people raised on a rich diet of high budget special effects who complain about this stuff. It's one of the stated reasons why Doctor Who or any British (or most anywhere else) sci fi/fantasy has a barrier to uptake in North America.

It would be a comment on Trump. Or that Dutch racist politican. Bring it on.

Well, for me, he became my favourite Doctor just on the strength of the audios (never liked the movie or him in it). Not that it necessarily will for you, just saying that he & his stories are pretty damn entertaining.