
Yeah same here, povvo renter, house currently full of critters scrabbling and squawling, squeaking noises, weird holes, broken stuff, wind whistling in gaps. The episode really bloody worked for me. I laughed and laughed at the ending where the students are staring at their collapsed house, back to square one.

Very true. I've seen it with the history of the waves of immigration/refugees in Australia. Irish -> Italian -> Vietnamese/Chinese -> Middle Eastern. There was a (surprise) Chinese candidate for the (racist, white, formerly very anti-Asian) nationalist party recently who jumped up and down on "bad" Asians and all

TV Tropes points out that due to the dearth of non-human actors, it's often cheaper, less tacky, and more empathisable to have humanoid aliens with one or two differences. Rubber foreheads are one, different skin tones are another.

Yeah, "political" is often used as "politics that make me uncomfortable". I just love the persistent myth that the political status quo is politically neutral, ie not political.

You say the politics in the show are ridiculous on a public forum, yes, you solicited opposing opinions on a public forum in reply.

"No sane person would take that job"
oh my god

Don't put words in my mouth. Your chosen words to critique, which as others have said, were also mischaracterised, are sexist. Please find a more convincing/credible way to express your dislike than "dumb blonde".

And a bunch of their possessions. But I only occasionally mind logical inconsistencies or holes in DW if the story is fun enough :)

Bill was embarrassed about what others thought of her showing up with her professor. She wanted to be with her peers, in a different mode. She's YOUNG. She's self-conscious! Remember being that? It was supposed to be funny (didn't land for you obviously)! She wanted to have fun on her very first night out of home,

It was also the way the Landlord helped justify it to himself, I think.

that's a pretty sexist dismissal jsyk.

i went to a sandstone uni. Colleges were for rich country kids. Subsidised off-campus housing at mine was done away with a couple of decades ago.

Oh my goodness.

The Doctor thought it was strange this dude was renting it out. Almost anyone else would. The comedy (I thought) was in the fact that the students were so desperate, tired and poor that this offer sounded like a great one. Maybe it was just that the house was really really old and the guy was nice!

Hopefully some in her phone or the cloud since she moved everything tangible she owned.

Common in DW for certain text to be subtextual so the kids & innocence is maintained. Something can be read a few different ways. One of the things I really like about the show.

Ditzy? DITZY? She called the Doctor on his sh*t from the get-go.

I liked how relieved Paul was after he learns Bill's gay. Clearly his youthful self-esteem had been taking a hit from her brushing him off, but then he learns it's not because of him! So young and insecure :')

Watch a proper science fiction show then.

It sort of worked for me (personally…) because this show's science fantasy often veers into stylistic and absurd and doesn't always need to make logical sense if pulled off successfully for viewers. Much to the begrudgement of many of its grown up dedicated fans who wish for a little more gravitas and hard sci fi.