
There's no such thing as objectivity, mate. Stop trying to pretend you're somehow outside of the lens of your culture when you view the past, unlike all those bleeding heart liberals.

Well, that was condescending.

Soap opera = grumpy male genre fan's definition of "human drama". Sorry, but the idea of what is soap opera and what isn't is so funny in these circles.

Sexist hahaha. Btw, tl;dr. Kisses.

I love that you think I'm male. It shows how old fashioned you are.

Wow, you missed the point of Into the Dalek and much of the new series, didn't you?

I think he's very much driven in inspiration by the way in which he sees or thinks women and men interact with one another in gendered, heterosexualised ways.

I do agree.

Nah mate, *don't* publicly speculate on whether a commenter you disagree with is autistic.

Homosexually, I'd assume.

"why didn't Ms. Delphox have the Doctor and Clara killed when they were in her office?"

I think he does care, just not in the gleeful dandy way many other of the Doctors do. He cares to put up a smooth dark blank exterior with a bit of flash. Like Nine choosing a leather jacket and cropped hair.

Having followed McGann's audios, and his character progression, I could absolutely see him ending up pressing the button. "To The Death"…. man what a story.

I like his intensity, but I know that doesn't work for everyone.

He's getting up there for me, might be the case for me too. 10 is my fave new series so far, but I occasionally found him tiresome towards the end of his run. (4 and 8-audio are my other faves if anyone cares.)

Nope, just Moffat's libido talking.

I've been remonstrated for linking to that site way too many times. Timesuck! Timesuuuuuuck!

I kind of laughed at that, since they were so clearly and temptingly labelled with "Do not enter under any circumstances". The sign seemed to be drawing attention to their camp stupidity.

I found it dragged a bit actually, but maybe that was the plot/scripting fault. I thought there were a few bits that seemed slightly aimless. ymmv

Yup. See: his wife.