
Ugh I know, he's so into dominatrix type dynamics it infects everything he does. Bad girl tropes, battle of the sexes, etc *yawn* not particularly feminist.

I'm thinking the next episode will help confirm or deny that reading. Which I hope isn't true but at this stage I don't entirely discount it either.

Arrrgh, that one-liner is so not my style in one-liners. But then I do prefer Capaldi.

Midnight was a bottle episode, was it not? Despite the other scene at the start and end. A tense story of characters trapped in a small space together.

I was waiting for that. Wondered why they pulled their punches.

One thing I really like about this show is watching the Doctor apparently nonplussed as the plot unfolds but us increasingly realising he's more confident and knowledgeable than he first appears. He's got some mad intuition, as well as knowledge, and it's a bit like watching a Poirot type mystery. Or, err, Sherlock.

" the BBC are also allowed to reference the Big Finish audio dramas but not vice-versa."

Maybe that's why Moffat's talking up the apparent "control freak" aspect, to mask the icky power aspects of her being a young woman travelling with a vastly older guy who's vastly more powerful than her and is pretty damn insulting to her.

Ohhh, that guy. Old crusty Doctor Who fans, smh.

You're sure invested in the show in the comments for someone who has to "fight' the urge to stop watching.

I'm just hangin' for more Time Lords…

Uh if you had watched a lot of classic who I assume you liked it and wouldn't have been significantly bothered by immersion breaking consequently? This is MILES ahead, no really.

"The Doctor always says he has contempt for soldiers, and that always strikes me as deeply unfair — the kind of college-sophomore pacifism "

C'mon, that added nothing. Tell us why.

I get ribbing between friends, it's just that the jibes are so… gendered. The Doctor insulting Clara about her appearance and apparent vanity. It doesn't seem to jive with other parts of his personality. I'm not convinced she's a "control freak" either, she just seems like a woman who knows what she wants, and is

I'd normally apply handwavium but this is fucking Gallifrey man. It was lost to the Doctor for so long. Emotional beats, etc.

Nah, something the Doctor did to Gallifrey removed it from all time. He wouldn't have rhapsodised about missing its skies and being so lonely if he'd been able to pop back to an early moment in its history and skulk around.

I see this as a positive comment about the show, lol. And one I agree with.

I sincerely hope the apparently broken time lock is followed up on in a future episode.

But he did end up going to the Academy and becoming a Time Lord; we know that from past canon. He obviously managed it somehow, dodging service.