i’m glad they’ve moved on from the horror-show of last year’s look.
i’m glad they’ve moved on from the horror-show of last year’s look.
they look like 9 year olds
Well, he played a card that gave him an opponent’s card, which in turn allowed him to get three more cards on his hand, which in turn gave him a card that allows him to attack his opponent’s life points directly.
He believed in the heart of the cards and was rewarded for it. #yugioh
This is why I don’t play Hearthstone anymore.
Clearly, the more skilled player won.
This is why hearthstone can never be a true competitive game. It is far too random.
This game takes no skill. You used to have to sneak up on bugs to catch them and wait for a big pull from fish to reel them in, but now it’s just “tap”. It’s also missing so much from other Animal Crossing games. This game is so casual! True Animal Crossing fans can pull a 360 noscope house loan payment in ten…
I know right! Almost as original as ragging on Penny Arcade in the Kotaku comments section!
Someone is CLEARLY in the pocket of Big Nook.
sure, these are hypothetical, but they’re based on what internet providers have already done even with some regulation. waiting and hoping is a dangerous move if you’re worried about this issue
Belgium has created for your pleasure, in no particular order: Abbey beer, pommes frites, birth control, asphalt, and electrically powered trains. This is up there, but it is not the most useful thing they’ve ever done (that would be Abbey beer)
As a gender studies major, I shall accept the gauntlet!
Okay, some further editorial.
Loot crates have always been a moral issue that the industry (publishers, devs, journalists, influencers, and whoever else) has mostly ignore or dismissed and that’s incredibly screwed up. Even cosmetic focused crates, which don’t affect gameplay, use specific audio/visual cues and…
I was reading this story an hour or so ago, in the waiting room for my therapist, who specializes in gender, sexuality, and their intersection with personality disorders. I showed this to her and she just got a confused look on her face and goes, “yeah, that’s a stumper.”
Like Becca, I would like to apologize to everyone for perpetuating a fraud, as I am neither French nor from Montana.
There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.
That’s a really cool story. Can you tell it again? Do we have time?