I use the magnifying tool....
I use the magnifying tool....
This is such a charming error it should actually enter gaming lore. How many times has a mistake resulted in such a beautiful phrase? “I’m sorry to leave you, but I have to buy a hat.” I want a T-SHIRT of that!
Back that train up. I had no interest in playing this game....until hats were mentioned. Are hats an integral part of the game? Do we get to collect many hats? Is it a haberdasher’s jaunty adventure?
I’m waiting for the dystopia where everyone on the planet is on a Twitch IRL stream and we’re all just shouting kappa and show your boobs at each other
When I go to Martial Arts conventions I don’t expect to be challenged to kumite every 6th step when walking. Instead I walk around the floor unbothered until I enter a seminar about a topic I want to learn.
They’re just pursuing the noble academic sports traditions of homo-eroticism, racism, and sexual assault. In an extremely streamlined and efficient matter.
Because they are racist assholes. Some of them call them Pablo for goodness sake.
Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”
Man, those are some Cheep Cheep enemies.
It’s two hours of the same joke about getting wood for sheep.
A year after opening, the National Museum of African American History and Culture is officially a huge success—to…
First, fuck this woman—she’s not “transitioning” to black, she’s playing dress up as a minstrel show character. This is a caricature of blackness that she fosters in her own head.
Whaaaat?!? Idk where to start.
How many of them are Cardboard Carapaces? http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=9762&type=card
Really want to take a moment to give a big shoutout to TriHex for helping us break down Act One. He’s a cool dude who runs a great stream. Hopefully, this helps give you folks an idea of what it takes to make Sonic really go fast!
If this means another sudden rush of Metroid games then the next one should be called Metroid Forever.
Hey, at least they had the decency not to include 1 2 switch.