Whelp, time to spam the comments section with (toy-using) cakewrecks pictures.
Whelp, time to spam the comments section with (toy-using) cakewrecks pictures.
I think another typo in the production process assumably explains the chronological confusion here. Hopping from 2248 to 2298 and back to 2245 is just one of the hazards you face when you’re fighting the Predater.
Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
who was very rarely stable.
Theft deterrent?
I love that one and it reminds me of Bill Murray for “Swill” mineral water. Unfortunately, I can’t locate any links to a good copy. :(
Man, SNL was way out in front on this:
One with a sunroof.
He’s not a real doctor, but he is a real fork. He is an ac-tu-al fork.
Is there a worse wedding gift than 6 George Foreman grills?
Left-handed beef is rare. Sinisteer are hard to find.
Obligatory. (Why is the original an mp4?...i swear...)
Eggs (specifically that oh so golden and runny yolk) is best served on something starchy.
i can’t believe you didn’t mention the greatest fake state of them all:
Tickle Pink > Strawberry Hill.
What are these “leftover” snacks that you speak of? That is a foreign concept in my world.
Blast from the past: Viking Kittens by Joel Veitch
“Yes, this is authentic food. No fake food or soylent green here. Next question.”