
BrentD - yes, he could get fired for signing for you, even if it's to make it easier for you. I know a former UPS driver who recently did just that and got caught, which is why he's a former UPS driver.

Giz was just pointing out that if one of those inert rounds had actually hit the boat (instead of just landing close), they could have punched a hole in the boat (think cannon ball).

LOL I just turned on the Hallmark channel - AND GUESS WHAT IS PLAYING??? Only they have it listed as "Final Days of Planet Earth"

From Nebraska here. Most people traveling through Nebraska are traveling on I-80. There is really no other major east-west route, and no major north-south route through the state - closest is I-35 on the other side of the Missouri river. I-80 runs along the Platte river valley - that is from the french word plat, for

Try the heat treatment suggested for tablecloths, just in case there is wax ingrained in the fiber of the bedspread, then spot treating with Dawn dishwashing liquid (or any other that is advertised as good against grease) before washing. Usually works for me.

Normally 2 (Android phone for calls/texting, iPod Touch for music/apps)

No, they are both correct grammar. They just mean 2 different things.

In a related story:

"What kind of salt isn't sea salt?"

Have used LoseIt! on iOS and Android, and on the website. I lost 10 pounds before I started tracking, and since the new year I lost 50 more (halfway to my ultimate goal).

Vaguely oriental features... screechy voice...

I think his concerns are more with bisphenol A and other compounds leaching into the food, rather than the plastic melting

Fortunately I've only been stuck behind a price matcher once, there were only 2 checkout lines open at the store and both were packed. She had all her items on the checkout counter, then when the cashier started to scan, she remembered she was price matching, and pulled out a wad of ads and started digging through

Found this about shoes on, with an explanation on why it works:

So does that mean you're going to get cancer of the tuches (tuchus, toches, tokhes, tochis, tuchas)? - so much easier to say than spell LOL

Weird Science

"The FSU split magnet's field strength beats out the previous, French-built record of 17.5 Tesla set in 1991 by 43 perfect."

It'll be ready to pick two days after the raccoons strip it from the stalk (cursing and muttering while I look out at the carnage of my corn patch).

Perfect timing! I've been looking at possibly getting a Bowflex PR1000 as a starter all-around system. I can get it locally and I've got no problem with assembling things myself. Anyone have experience with this, or know of a comparable system?

But this way you can make your own organic, live culture, stevia-sweetened yak's milk yogurt pops, instead of the chemical-and-preservative-laden, sugar-drenched, recombinant bovine growth hormone containing cow's milk "yogurt" pops from the store. Or whatever else you want.